Dear Faithful of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee,

2025 marks a celebration occurring only every 25 years: an Ordinary Jubilee Year. Jubilee years carry a rich tradition in which the people of Israel, freed from slavery, proclaimed liberty to captives and forgiveness to debtors. People returned to their homeland and renewed their trust in God by relying solely on what he provided.

During this Jubilee Year, the Church takes as its beacon: “Hope does not disappoint.” (Romans 5:5) As we joyfully anticipate the installation of Archbishop-Designate Jeffrey S. Grob, I invite you to prepare your hearts to mark this year. In our archdiocese, we will renew our hope in these areas during 2025:

  • Hope in God’s mercy. Return to and avail yourself often of the essential sacrament of Reconciliation. Churches across the archdiocese will be open and ready to welcome you back April 9. This will also be a day of reparation and fasting. Acts of reparation are sacrifices we make for an offense, especially a sin. And we will fast on this day in our archdiocese as we atone for sins against those most vulnerable in our world.
  • Hope in Jesus’ Great Commission that we evangelize. May this year be when we courageously invite our loved ones, friends and strangers to the joy and beauty present every Sunday in the Eucharist. Let us love others by inviting them to God’s greatest gift on this side of heaven.
  • Hope in our marital relationships in the Church. Our parishes will have open arms to those who wish to discuss a previous marriage and a possible annulment. And those who married outside the Church for whatever reason are warmly invited to discuss celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage within the Church.
  • Hope in our relationship with those who are struggling. I ask us to turn our attention to those laboring in prisons especially. These brothers and sisters suffer silently. We will encourage all to create human connections with those we may not know.

I pray you will mark this Jubilee Year as a special moment in your relationship to God. As I pass on the archdiocese’s leadership with immense hope, I ask you to spiritually embrace this Jubilee Year as a time of spiritual renewal. I will remain united with you as a fellow pilgrim of hope. “Hope does not disappoint.” (Romans 5:5)

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki

Archbishop of Milwaukee