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Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Herald and Our Mission

What is the mission of the Catholic Herald?
The Catholic Herald is the voice of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, inspiring, catechizing and evangelizing members of the Catholic community to live their faith.

When was the Catholic Herald first published?

What is the relationship between the Catholic Herald and the archbishop?
Archbishop Jeffrey S. Grob is the publisher of the Catholic Herald.

What is the relationship between the Catholic Herald and the Milwaukee Archdiocese?
Through its print and Web editions, the Catholic Herald serves the administration of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and the Catholic community of southeastern Wisconsin in being an extension of the archbishop’s teaching office, and by chronicling the Catholic story as it is lived locally, nationally and internationally.

What is the Wisconsin Catholic Media Apostolate, Inc.?
The Wisconsin Catholic Media Apostolate owns and publishes the Milwaukee Catholic Herald and other Catholic newspapers and information vehicles in Wisconsin. It is a separate corporation of the Milwaukee Archdiocese and is headed by Archbishop Jeffrey S. Grob.

Who currently receives the Catholic Herald?

The Catholic Herald currently has more than 8,000 print and digital subscribers and an estimated readership of more than 36,000, given the pass-along rate.

How does the Catholic Herald compare to other Catholic diocesan newspapers?
The Catholic Herald is one of 168 Catholic diocesan newspapers published in the United States. It is unique in that it receives no subsidies from parishes or the diocese, generating revenue only from subscriptions and advertising sales. The Catholic Herald is regarded as a high-quality bi-weekly publication, and each year gains national recognition among its peers in awards presented by the Catholic Press Association.

What is Catholic Herald Family?
Catholic Herald Family is a pull-out special section, which includes features, perspective and advice of interest to Catholic families. It is published four times per year and inserted into the Catholic Herald, and is distributed directly to parents and children through Catholic elementary schools and religious education programs.

What regularly appears in the Catholic Herald?

  • The Herald of Hope column written by Archbishop Jeffrey S. Grob, Bishop James E. Schuerman and Bishop Jeffrey R. Haines.
  • Feature stories about Catholics living their faith
  • Columns focusing on faith formation
  • Events – a weekly calendar of events
  • My Faith – profile of someone who inspires others to live their faith
  • A variety of annual special sections

What is the Catholic Herald policy on letters to the editor or guest opinions?
We are not currently accepting letters to the editor.  If you are interested in becoming a guest writer, please send cover letter, resume and writing sample to:
Catholic Herald
Attention: Managing Editor
P.O. Box 070913
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0913

Or submit information to us at catholicherald@archmil.org.

What is the Catholic Herald’s Web site address?

How can I obtain a copy of the Catholic Herald?
See the Subscribe portion of this Web site, or call 414-769-3464.