Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki will lead a Pro-Life Rosary on Nov. 1. (File photo)
Throughout the month of October, bishops representing each of Wisconsin’s five Roman Catholic dioceses will lead rosaries online to celebrate Respect Life month and the Month of the Holy Rosary. These virtual events will be held for five consecutive Sundays from 7:30 to 8p.m., and the series kicks off Oct. 4, with the Most Rev. William P. Callahan, Bishop of La Crosse. The closing rosary will be led by the Most Rev. Jerome E. Listecki, Archbishop of Milwaukee, on Nov. 1, the Feast of All Saints, and will conclude with the Litany of the Saints.
All are encouraged to go online and join the Wisconsin bishops in this statewide prayer initiative to preserve and protect the sanctity and dignity of human life.
Wisconsin Pro-Life Rosary Schedule
Oct. 4 – The Most Rev. William P. Callahan, Bishop of La Crosse
To participate, visit https://diolc.org/live/.
Oct. 11 – The Most Rev. Donald J. Hying, Bishop of Madison
To participate, visit www.youtube.com/DioceseofMadison.
Oct. 18 – The Most Rev. David L. Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay
To participate, visit https://vimeo.com/460314347.
Oct. 25 – The Most Rev. James P. Powers, Bishop of Superior
To participate, visit www.facebook.com/CathedralofChristtheKing.
Nov. 1 – The Most Rev. Jerome E. Listecki, Archbishop of Milwaukee
To participate, visit https://diolc.org/live/.
Promotional materials and other event information are available at https://diolc.org/live/.
For more information, contact the Wisconsin Catholic Conference at 608-257-0004.