Color this illustration of the Holy Family using any art medium (crayons, paint, pencils, etc.) and your family could win one of two Walthers Trainline Ready for Fun Train Sets, valued at $150!
Yes, this year we have two train sets to give away!
Entries will be judged in three age categories:
5 and under; 6 to 10, 11 to 14 and one winner will be randomly selected from the top entry in each age group.
The second train set winner will be randomly chosen from all entries submitted!
Winning entries will be printed in the December issue of Catholic Herald Family.
Include with entry:
Name, age, address, phone number, email
School, grade level and parish
Deadline for entries: Friday, Nov. 13.
The first 8 entrants will receive a family four-pack of tickets to Trainfest, Nov. 12-13 at Wisconsin State Fair Park!
Second and third place winners will receive a gift pack of 4 tickets to the Dec. 31 Harlem Globetrotters game and 4 vouchers for a Milwaukee Admirals game.
Trainset and Trainfest tickets courtesy Trainfest.