Body of Christ
Can you describe your relationship with Jesus?
My relationship with Jesus has evolved through the years. It is totally different from when I was a child and young adult. I look to Jesus and thank him for the life I have but also ask for guidance when things in my life and others’ are not going so well.
Tell me about how you got involved with the St. Bernadette fish fry, including how long you have been the co-leader.
I got involved in the fish fry after my kids graduated from St. Bernadette. I started collecting the money for the dinners. After about 15 years, the pandemic hit and everything changed. Some very good friends/mentors who have worked the dinners for decades asked me to be on the fish fry committee with them when we were allowed to start serving again later in the fall of 2020. I did not know how to run a fish fry, but with their knowledge and help, I have learned a lot very quickly.
Is there anything unique about your fish fry or has anything changed from past years?
The pandemic changed our fish fry a great deal in the beginning because we had to go to a curbside delivery system until things opened up. We also changed our setup in the kitchen. The other thing that changed was the rise of inflation and supply chain issues that everybody suffered from around the country. With the help of our many volunteers, our great fish fry tradition has continued.
You recently became one of the two parish trustees — how did that come about?
I became a trustee due to the passing of a good friend who was a long-time trustee of our parish. It has been an eye-opening experience in the short time that I have had the position. I’ve been just a regular parishioner for most of my life, but in reading the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Trustee Manual, it showed me that there was more to being a trustee than just the signing of checks. The many rules and regulations/responsibilities can be overwhelming when reading them for the first time.
Why are you so involved with your parish?
I have always liked to help out when asked, but as I got older, I have come to see the world in a different light. There are times when you may think that you have it rough, but then you realize that there are people in the world who are less fortunate, whether it be in our parish, in our community or around the world.
What is something that inspires you?
The thing that inspires me are all the wonderful people here at St. Bernadette. I see the light of Christ in them because they are so giving of their time and talents when things need to get done.
What do you like to do for fun? Why?
I like to go to the gym and work out at least three times a week and ride my bike on some of the Milwaukee-area bike trails during the summer. I also enjoy getting together with friends and former co-workers, whether it be for breakfast or for lunch.
Are you traveling anywhere warm this winter? If not, where would you like to go?
I do not have any plans to visit any place warm this winter, but I am thinking about going on an Alaskan cruise in the future. That was something my wife wanted to do, but we never got around to it.
What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
I enjoy doing Sudoku and Kubok 16 puzzles after reading the morning paper.