Pope Benedict’s appointment of Bishop-designate Donald J. Hying as an auxiliary bishop of Milwaukee on May 26 necessitated your Catholic Herald changing the promotion of its tailgate/ballgame on Thursday, Aug. 18. Instead of Archbishop Listecki and one of his priests greeting you that day, you’ll be greeted by the archbishop and his new auxiliary bishop, enjoy a great meal and see a first place — as of this writing — ball club. Call (414) 769-3464 before Thursday, June 30 to learn how you can participate.
America’s Bishopland: Bishop-designate Hying, a West Allis native, wasn’t the only priest with Wisconsin ties to be appointed to the episcopacy that day. Bishop-designate Robert D. Gruss, who will serve the Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota, lived in Madison, where he attended Madison Area Technical College.
I almost forgot: It’s been so long since I’ve blogged that the last time I had an entry, “recall” was still something you hoped you had when you got older rather than a costly do-over in Wisconsin politics.
The aforementioned recalls are rooted in how certain state legislators voted on the budget, which was, to say the least, pro-school voucher. Miles Turner, executive director of the Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators, called vouchers “an attack on public education and our democratic system by allowing separate and unequal schools to operate that are not held accountable in any fashion. A choice school does not have to treat its students fairly.”
Well, Mr. Turner, a lot of Catholic schools in Milwaukee are choice schools, but nowhere have I heard that they lack accountability or treat students unfairly. Sounds to me like you’re upset about education being a marketplace commodity: Provide the best service and the best product, and parents will invest that $6,442 in your school. Catholic schools must be doing that well or else parents would send their children elsewhere, don’t you think?
How you know summer is almost here: This Sunday marks the start of Carpenter Ant Awareness Week, but if you’d rather wait and welcome summer on Tuesday, try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUvXw8cWDi4&feature=related.