Forgiveness: A Beautiful, Healing Aspect of Christian Life
In all of Scripture, arguably the most challenging teaching of Christ is the command to forgive our offenders. [...]
In all of Scripture, arguably the most challenging teaching of Christ is the command to forgive our offenders. [...]
Ask Fr. Jerry I’ve had financial success in my life. I have enjoyed a good career. I [...]
Ask Fr. Jerry What are some of the key requirements for a Catholic funeral, and what should [...]
Ask Fr. Jerry My grandchildren who are in the “tween” years are struggling with wanting to attend [...]
Since the earliest days of human history, it has been the case that the arrival of a new [...]
Ask Fr. Jerry With the war in Ukraine, our worsening economy in the United States, natural disasters [...]
Ask Fr. Jerry If I marry a non-Catholic, do we have to baptize and raise our children [...]
As we approach Catholic Schools Week 2022 in the midst of increasing social and cultural challenges, it seems [...]
Ask Fr. Jerry My friend is an Evangelical Christian, and she asked me if I have a [...]
Ask Fr. Jerry With the success of the Milwaukee Bucks winning the 2021 NBA World Championship and [...]