LONDON — In a bidding war that took six minutes, Pope Francis’ 1,585cc Harley-Davidson Dyna Super Glide sold for $326,000. A Harley-Davidson motorcycle jacket sold for an astounding $78,000 during the sale, part of Bonhams’ Les Grandes Marques du Monde sale in Paris on Feb. 6.(CNS photo/Benoit Tessier, Reuters)
Watched by hundreds, the Harley-Davidson and the jacket were the first two lots of the 45-strong motorcycle sale, according to a press release issued by Bonhams.
The items, donated to Pope Francis by the Milwaukee-based motorcycle manufacturer in June 2013 and signed “Francesco” by the pope, were bought by separate bidders – with the motorcycle going to a private buyer in Europe, and the jacket to an overseas buyer.
Funds raised will go toward the renovation of the Caritas Roma’s Don Luigi di Liegro hostel and soup kitchen based at Rome’s Termini railway station.