Parish leaders will drive what’s next for local Catholics when it comes to the National Eucharistic Revival.

“What will your parish do to prepare and send people out on mission for the life of the world?” is a key question for parish leaders as the revival’s Year of Sending on Mission gets underway.

To help them discern possibilities and learn about resources, parish leaders are being invited to gather at the Mary Mother of the Church Pastoral Center in St. Francis on Friday, Sept. 27.

They will reflect deeply on this key question, pray for God to equip and send all to be leaven, salt and light, and learn how the archdiocesan offices can support parish staff in this effort.

Susan McNeil, Director of the Archdiocese Department for Catholic Social Responsibility, attended the National Eucharistic Congress last month and will be one of the Mission Day speakers.

She echoed the words of several congress speakers who encouraged Catholics to “Go!” and share their faith, fortified through the Eucharist.

“At the end of Mass, the priest or deacon says, ‘Go!’ He’s not saying, ‘have a nice day,’ but compelling us to go and find others beyond our walls. This means walking with others in their spiritual journeys. It means coming to know our communities and neighborhoods. It means living out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It means advocating for needs in our world,” McNeil said.

“The National Eucharistic Revival leaders said, ‘Jesus in the Eucharist is the answer to every restless longing of the human heart. If we truly believe this, then that living faith will compel us to share this joy with our brothers and sisters!’” McNeil said.

The Eucharistic Revival Mission Day will include Mass with Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki followed by breakfast. Eucharistic Revival Preacher Fr. John Burns will speak about “On Mission for the Life of the World,” and sharing of resources by McNeil and Margaret Rhody with the archdiocese Office for Evangelization and Catechesis.

Parish staff with responsibilities for their parish’s own morning Mass are encouraged to join the group for breakfast and what follows.

Parish leaders are asked to register by Wednesday, Sept. 18, at The Eucharistic Revival Mission Day is free through support of the Catholic Stewardship Appeal, but registration is required so planners know how many people to expect. Anyone with questions may reach out to Susan McNeil at (email preferred) or 414-758-2214.

Newly underway, the third year of the National Eucharistic Revival has been designated since the beginning as the “Year of Sending on Mission” to follow two years of preparation.

The National Eucharistic Congress, held in Indianapolis July 17-21, kicked off the Year of Sending on a Mission. About 60,000 Catholics — including hundreds from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee — attended the congress at Lucas Oil Stadium.

The National Eucharistic Revival is an effort initiated by the Catholic bishops of the United States in 2022 to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist.

The northern Marian Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage passed through the Archdiocese of Milwaukee from June 18-26. Thousands of area Catholics participated in the procession as it stopped at more than 60 locations on its way to Indianapolis. The procession united with the other three routes at the start of the congress.