Men of all generations gathered for the sixth annual Men of Christ conference at the Milwaukee Theater on March 3.

“We focus on men’s ministry,” said Matt Strub, leadership team member of the Men of Christ. “We are all about men’s spirituality, what it is that men are struggling with and what it is that makes faithful men.”

men-of-christ-imageStrub said more than 2,500 people attended the event, which featured speakers, many of whom converted to Catholicism from other religions. Participants could receive the sacrament of reconciliation and participate in eucharistic adoration throughout the event.

“We came up with the vision to boldly live their faith and that’s really our goal,” Strub said. “Nothing that we do is because of what we’re doing, its because the Holy Spirit is using us as instruments.”

Prayer was prevalent throughout the conference, occurring at the beginning and end of every speech and event. At one point prayers were said for each of the 50 states and the men sang “God Bless America.”

For friends like Neil Mueller and Josh Aspland of St. Catherine Parish in Ripon and non-Catholic David Christensen, who attends an evangelical church in Appleton, this was their first time attending the event.

“Living in Ripon there’s not a whole lot of kick you in the pants, good Gospel and inspiration to live faithful lives,” Mueller said.

Christensen said he found the event eye opening.

“I’m always interested in learning more,” Christensen said. “I enjoy the mixture. It’s very intellectual and spiritual at the same time.”

They said they enjoyed listening to stories of conversion like that of former Baptist Steve Ray.

“I’m very interested in how a lot of Protestants come to the Catholic faith,” Mueller said. “I understand the answers and not necessarily the questions, and so they understand the questions and search for the answers.”

Mueller said the conference encourages Catholics to learn more about their faith.

“Us Catholics don’t know the Bible as well as we should and that’s another kick in the pants that we need to get on the ball,” Mueller said.

Mueller and Aspland volunteer their time at St. Catherine teaching high school freshman religion.

“We start with morality and then we go to theology and the Bible,” Ashland said. Both said they would suggest this conference to their students.

Christensen said even though he’s not Catholic, he still connected to many of the events.

“I can relate to a lot of things that are being said here and it’s a lot of good solid Scripture and good teachings,” Christensen said.

Strub said Men of Christ hoped the attendees got a better understanding of their faith.

“We hope for them to gain a drive, a fire in their heart so that they can turn around and take that faith that they’re building inside of them out into the world,” Strub said.

The Men of Christ will host a 5K run open to men and women at Holy Hill on June 16. For information on the run, call (262) 250-7777 or visit .