Holy Family Catholic Community gave out $8,000 to local organizations through its Holy Family Outreach Grant. Pictured are (from left) Nicole Krause, ASTOP; Wendy Compton, Beacon House; Mark Diederichs, Holyland Food Pantry; Micaela Vegter, New Beginnings Pregnancy Care Center; Fr. Fabián Rodas, Holy Family Catholic Community associate pastor; Erin Cobb, Holy Family Catholic Community director of human concerns; Amy Loof, Solutions Center; Dawn Scannell, The Arc Fond du Lac; Kristina Meilahn, NAMI Fond du Lac; and Jessica Kimball, The Arc Fond du Lac. Not pictured is Juana Montes-Hernandez of Fond du Lac Literacy Services. (Submitted photo)
Holy Family Catholic Community is supporting area organizations with its annual Holy Family Outreach Grant.
The grant is a tradition at the parish and given to non-profits that serve in Fond du Lac County and provide direct service, education, empowerment, or advocacy to those in our community.
The parish distributed $8,000 in total to local organizations, including: ASTOP, Beacon House, The Arc Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Literacy Services, Holyland Food Pantry, New Beginnings Pregnancy Care Center, NAMI Fond du Lac and Solutions Center.
“It is a joy to be able to share the Holy Family Outreach Grant with these organizations in our community. At Holy Family Catholic Community, we seek to better the lives of our parishioners and those in the Fond du Lac area through faith and outreach. Supporting these organizations and the benevolent work they do is an important part of this,” Holy Family Catholic Community Pastor Fr. Ryan J. Pruess said.