Fr. Donald J. HyingMILWAUKEE –– Pope Benedict XVI announced in Rome today that Fr. Donald J. Hying, rector of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, has been appointed Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, according to a press release from the archdiocese.
“The Episcopal appointment is less about the personality of the one chosen, as it is about the office,” Fr. Hying said in the release. “Throughout the history of the church and until the end of time, the Lord chooses earthen vessels, unworthy instruments, to serve him and mediate the mystery of his salvation and mercy. As the saying goes, ‘God does not always call the most qualified, but he qualifies those he has called.’ I am both deeply humbled and honored to be appointed by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI.”
Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki will ordain the bishop-elect July 20 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. “This is a proud moment for the church in southeastern Wisconsin,” Archbishop Listecki said in the release. “By choosing Fr. Hying, one of Milwaukee’s own as our new auxiliary bishop, the Holy Father has paid a high compliment to all the priests from this diocese. Pope Benedict XVI has gifted us with a true servant-leader.”
As auxiliary, Fr. Hying will assist the archbishop in the pastoral and spiritual leadership of the archdiocese, including assisting with teaching, leading, serving and celebrating the sacraments.
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Fr. Hying, who was ordained to the priesthood May 20, 1989, by former Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, has served as rector of the seminary since 2007. He also served as temporary administrator of St. Augustine Parish, Milwaukee in 2006; dean of formation, Saint Francis Seminary, St. Francis, 2005-2007; pastor of Our Lady of Good Hope Parish, Milwaukee, 1999-2005; St. Anthony Parish, Milwaukee, 1998-1999; temporary administrator of St. Peter Parish, East Troy, 1998; team member of La Sagrada Familia Parroquia, Dominican Republic, 1994-1997; and associate pastor of St. Anthony Parish, Menomonee Falls, 1989 to 1994.
The West Allis native was born to the late Albert and Catherine Hying, Aug. 18, 1963, and is the youngest of six sons. Fr. Hying attended St. Aloysius and Immaculate Heart of Mary grade schools, Brookfield Central High School, Marquette University, and earned his master’s of divinity from Saint Francis de Sales Seminary.