GERMANTOWN — Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki will install Fr. Loyola Amalraj as pastor of St. Boniface Parish on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 4:30 p.m.
A reception will follow Mass for Fr. Amalraj, who has served as parish administrator at St. Boniface since his July 1, 2011, appointment.
Born July 31, 1954, in India, Fr. Amalraj studied history, economics and English literature at De La Salle College in Madurai, India, 1972, before earning his bachelor’s degree in philosophy and psychology from Arul Anandar College, Madurai, South India, affiliated with Madurai University, in 1976.
Ordained a Roman Catholic diocesan priest in 1981 at St. Michael Cathedral in Coimbatore, South India, Fr. Amalraj also earned his baccalaureate in systematic theology from St. Paul’s Seminary in Trichy, South India, an affiliate of Urban University, Rome, in 1981; master’s in counseling in 1992, and doctorate in counseling and minor in clinical psychology in 1999, from Marquette University, Milwaukee.
From 1986 through 1990, Fr. Amalraj assisted parishes and educational institutions in the Diocese of Coimbatore, India.
He was a resident priest at St. Wenceslaus Parish, Milwaukee, 1990-1991, and Weakland Hall, Milwaukee, 1992-1996. He served as associate pastor and counselor in psychology and spirituality, St. Leonard Parish, Muskego, 1996-1999, and temporary chaplain, National Guard Reserves, Mitchell International Airport, Milwaukee; temporary administrator and counselor in psychology and spirituality, St. James Parish, Menomonee Falls, Fall 1999; resident priest, St. Augustine Parish, West Allis, 1999-2000; pastoral care chaplain, St. Camillus Health Center, Wauwatosa, 1999-2002; administrator, 2001-2001, and resident priest, 2001-2002, Holy Assumption Parish, West Allis; adjunct program staff, Mariandale Center for Spirituality Center, Ossining, N.Y., and adjunct faculty, Archdiocese of New York Center for Spiritual Development, White Plains, N.Y., 2003 to present; adjunct faculty, religion and religious education department, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., Fall 2003; parochial vicar, Holy Name of Mary Parish, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., 2002-2010, Epiphany Church, New York, 2010, and St. Martin de Porres Church, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 2010-2011; administrator, St. Boniface Parish, Germantown, 2011 until present.
Fr. Amalraj, who became an Indian American in 2008, served as a board member of the Marquette University Graduate Alumni Association in 1999, and has been a member of the Knights of Columbus since 1996. Fr. Amalraj, who also speaks Tamil, gives presentations on contemplative prayer and healing, and offers counseling and spiritual direction to people in and around the parish. Tracy Rusch Catholic Herald Staff