The Church has a message for those who are separated or divorced: You are loved. You are welcome here. You are cared for.

Those who are in the process of separation or divorce, or who have experienced either in the past, are invited to participate in “A Day of Healing: Beyond Divorce,” hosted Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Schoenstatt Retreat Center, W284 N698 Cherry Lane, Waukesha. The event runs from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The retreat is for adults in all stages of the divorce process. “Whether you’re in the process of divorce, or have been divorced for years, join us for this special day of healing,” said Susan McNeil, Director of the Archdiocese Department for Catholic Social Responsibility. “Our retreat days are a great way to get started, or keep going, on the path to recovery and rebuilding.”

The day of healing will include presentations meant to guide attendees in a deeper relationship with God, with themselves and with others. It is open to individuals of all faith traditions, or those who do not profess any faith.

“While marriage has both a civil and sacramental side, divorce is purely civil, but it deeply affects everyone’s spiritual and religious aspects,” said Edell Schaefer, who facilitates the Single Again support group at St. John Vianney Parish in Brookfield. “Studies show that many divorced individuals, as well as children of divorce, are more likely to leave their faith. Divorce affects everyone, and everyone is welcome to participate in ministry offerings.”

Schaefer has been involved in the separated and divorced ministry of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee since her own divorce in 2014, an event which precipitated her return to the Catholic Church. Now a member of St. Dominic Parish in Brookfield, Edell earned a master’s degree in systemic theology in 2019 through the Cor Unum program at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, Franklin.

“Divorce is a process, not just an event. Those who have been through the process will tell you that healing from divorce takes time, and that especially for those who have children, new challenges are the rule, not the exception,” she said.

Encountering the support and understanding of others who are going through the same struggle is “critical to the healing and grieving process,” Schaefer added.

“Support groups and retreats provide a safe gathering space where people can talk honestly about what it’s like to go through a divorce. It is facilitated by peers and gives participants a chance to hear how others have dealt with similar challenges. It is a place where it’s acceptable to express deep emotion in a healthy environment.”

The cost for the retreat is $50 to attend, and financial assistance is available. To register, visit