The mission of the pro-lifer does not simply begin near a clinic nor end in the delivery room. As pro-life people, Catholics are called not only to advocate for the unborn and pray for a culture of life but also to support policies and organizations that affirm the dignity of women and support mothers and their children.
In the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, several organizations empower women facing crisis pregnancies. These organizations provide compassion, resources and hope to vulnerable women in our area.
Life’s Connection, Waukesha and Mukwonago
Director Krys Crawley notes that women who are facing an abortion decision have many unmet needs that Life’s Connection provides for, including: “Many unmet emotional needs due to the breakdown of the family,” material support, a lack of free health care, educational needs and social service needs, such as referrals for WIC, food stamps, dental care and housing assistance.
“Many women think that abortion is their only option because they can’t afford a baby. Life’s Connection provides diapers, wipes, cribs, car seats, clothing and more. When moms know they are supported this way financially, it takes a burden off their shoulders so they can focus on parenting.”
Crawley notes a few needs that the community can meet so Life’s Connection can provide for families’ emotional, physical and health care needs. Chief among them is financial and material support in the form of diapers, wipes, clothing, baby items, office supplies, cleaning supplies, stamps and gift cards. They also need silent auction items for fundraisers and volunteers to help with maintenance, fundraisers, day-to-day activities and to help with organizing the new center opening in Mukwonago in June.
Also save the date for Christmas Tea for Life on Nov. 29 at Bluemound Country Club.
Women’s Care Center, two Milwaukee locations
Maria Suchomski of the Women’s Care Center shares that the center served 2,043 women in 2021 and that more than 13,000 babies have been born to WCC moms since it opened in 2010. Should Roe v. Wade be overturned, they anticipate an increased need for their services, which include: confidential counseling, support, education, exceptional pre- and post-natal care, parenting classes and baby essentials.
Since the WCC locations are 100 percent donor-funded, donations to help cover operating expenses are greatly appreciated. The WCC has an Amazon baby registry that contains much-needed baby items for the Crib Club to support growing client needs.
For volunteer opportunities, get in touch with
Save the date for their largest fundraiser of the year, Luxury Bingo, on Thursday, Sept. 29, at Discovery World. This annual event is always an excellent opportunity for supporters to enjoy friendship, Bartolotta cuisine, fast-paced bingo, luxury prizes and inspiration. If you have any questions about the event or are interested in serving as a sponsor, contact Program Director Michele Grall at or 414-268-2222.
Women’s Support Center
WSC Executive Director Maryclare Stephens said, “The greatest common need between all our women is that they are longing and searching for truth. Whether they are coming to us for a pregnancy test, an ultrasound or baby supplies, each of them has a longing in their heart and a desire for answers and guidance to whatever difficult situation they find themselves in.”
Stephens continued, “Our program enables us to have one-on-one conversations with these women. Through these conversations, we share with them the dignity God has given to them and their unborn baby. We help them to see the truth about the evil and harms of abortion. We help guide and direct them in their difficult situation by helping them see and be encouraged that choosing life for their baby will be their greatest blessing, while also helping them, as best we can, to overcome the obstacles that they are facing.”
One way to help is by leading a baby bottle campaign in your parish. All you would need to do is choose a weekend in which you would hand out baby bottles, which are supplied by WSC, ask the parishioners to take the bottles home and fill them with cash, coins or checks for the Women’s Support Center, and return the filled bottles to church in a couple of weeks. For more information on how to run a baby bottle campaign, contact Lucy Wirtz or Maryclare Stephens at 414-934-8888 or
All three organizations have asked for prayer, calling it their greatest need.
In addition to the requests for prayers for the hearts of mothers considering abortion, Catholics should pray for the success of these organizations in the life-affirming work they do.
Stephens asks, “Please pray that we may be able to be the instruments God is calling us to be to lead so many hungry and longing souls back and closer to him.”

Women’s Care Center clients are able to redeem coupons at the crib club that have been earned after participating in various educational offerings at the Centers. These rewards for parenting classes help support self-sufficiency. (Submitted photo)