For the past 90 years, the mission of the Lalumiere League has been to promote social awareness, offer scholarships and prioritize education, specifically for women. The organization is named after Fr. Stanislaus P. Lalumiere, S.J., Marquette’s founding father and university president from 1887–89.

Founded in 1933, the nonprofit philanthropic organization was the brainchild of then-recent graduates of Marquette University. The premise for the organization stemmed from 10 young women of varied interests and occupations discussing social service with thoughts of helping their community, said Mary Seefeld, Treasurer of Lalumiere League.

“They generated interest among friends and consulted with the then archbishop of Milwaukee,” she said. “This original group of 10, with its interested friends, met, selected a chairman, appointed committees and busied themselves with parliamentary law, social welfare and selection of capable leaders.”

Seefeld became interested in the organization after a friend invited her to a quarterly meeting and then joined in 2019 after attending the annual charity luncheon. She was recently elected treasurer of the organization.

“The current organization meets quarterly, with their November meeting being a charity luncheon that in 2022 provided $500 each to the following:  the Foundation for Religious Retirement, Metahouse, Nativity Jesuit Academy, Notre Dame Middle School, St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care and Sojourner,” she said. “Lalumiere also provided $2,000 scholarships to women attending Alverno College, Cardinal Stritch University, Marquette University and Mount Mary University through income from investments the prior year.”

Seefeld said the 132 charter members of the league laid out the organization’s purpose. The bylaws capped the membership at 300, and for many years, there was a waiting list to join.

“Most recently, the membership has dropped to under 50 members, five of whose mothers also belonged,” said Seefeld. “Lalumiere membership is open to all Catholic women interested in promoting the goals of education and charity in our community. They need new members to continue the legacy of Lalumiere League.”

For the past six years, Jeanne Sprangers, a second-generation member and member since 1989, has served as president of the Lalumiere League.

“In our earlier days, there weren’t many women in college, and we wanted to help them, as many of them were working in menial jobs. We wanted to help them progress and better themselves,” said Sprangers. “We wanted to promote social awareness among members, to be more active to support social work, not necessarily doing social work, but at one time 25 percent of our members were teachers.”

Dues for the organization are $35 per year. They still hold quarterly meetings where they can find space, as well as the annual charity luncheon at the Wisconsin Club.

“All proceeds from the luncheon go to local charities, and the committee decides which charities to donate to, based on what we have managed to raise during the luncheon,” said Sprangers. “Around the turn of the century, one member died and donated money. She said two-thirds were to go to scholarships and a third to charities. We invested that money, and they are tagged separately. We can’t use the principle, just the interest. Between this fund and what we raise, we have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to scholarships and around $2,000 a year to charities.”

The quarterly meetings consist of visiting and planning for the charity luncheon, and from time to time, they have speakers.

“One year, we had a lady who spoke at a meeting about her nonprofit she started to prevent recidivism for incarcerated women, and from there, she branched out into preventing sex trafficking,” said Sprangers. “We also used to have fashion shows at our meetings, and a Founder’s Day, but unfortunately, we have no founders left. We also have two women assigned each week to pray a Rosary for peace, and we rotate through the group.”

Originally membership was limited to Marquette graduates, but that requirement was lifted to include all Catholic women.

The organization also supports “A Wish for a Christmas Dress Drive.” The effort began six years ago and sends new girls’ and boys’ clothing to Africa. They have sent more than 8,000 pieces of clothing and have a goal of 2,500 items this year.

If you are a Catholic woman and interested in joining the Lalumiere League, contact Jeanne Sprangers at 414-430-1246 to learn more.

Throughout its 90-year history, the Lalumiere League has been involved with charitable activities, including donating clothing to children in Africa. (Submitted photo)