Winner of the trainset is Genevieve Grimm, 5, a student in K4 at St. Matthew School, Oak Creek, and member of St. Matthew Parish.

Illustration by Genevieve Grimm.
Winner in the age 11 to 14 category is Leah Nagle, 12, a seventh grader at Holy Angels School, West Bend, and member of Holy Angels Parish.

Illustration by Leah Nagle.
Winner in the age 6 to 10 category is Mikayla Hargarten, 8, a second grader at St. Mary’s Visitation School, Elm Grove and member of St. Mary’s Visitation Parish.

Illustration by Mikayla Hargarten.
Additionally, a random drawing of all contest entries was held to select the winner of a second trainset, also courtesy Trainfest. The winner was Vincent Galang, 6, a kindergarten student at Lannon Elementary School, Lannon, and a member of St. James Parish, Menomonee Falls.
All winners will receive a family four-pack of tickets to an upcoming Milwaukee Admirals game and four tickets to the Dec. 31 Harlem Globetrotters game at the BMO Bradley Center.