Body of Christ
- Hickok is one of two assistant tournament directors for the Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships.
- Hickok, who grew up in Waukesha as a member of St. Joseph, is married to Heidi. The couple has two grown children, Drew and Abby.
- He is vice president of project safety with Milwaukee Tool, and attended undergraduate and graduate school at Marquette University, Milwaukee.
- He began coaching basketball and Little League baseball when he was still in high school and has coached at Waukesha Catholic schools in volleyball, basketball and track since 2009.
Can you tell us about your relationship with Jesus?
I take my relationship with Jesus very personally. It is not enough for me to just pray or attend Mass because we as Catholics are told to. I feel I am more connected to my prayers and my faith when I maintain a strong connection with our Lord and Savior. There have been times I was not as close to Jesus as I needed to be and did not talk with him as often as I should have. In those times, I can honestly say I felt like something was missing. Since then, as I maintain an active relationship with Jesus, I feel I am more complete as a person and have a greater sense of peace in my life. They say there are signs all around us, and I feel that when I am close to Jesus, I feel his presence in my life and see more of them.
What is something that inspires you?
I never cease to be amazed by the resilience of my wife, who has a rare form of muscular dystrophy. She does not allow her condition to stop her from living her life to the fullest. She is a great mom (and) partner, and a giving friend and neighbor. She serves as an example of the kind of person with the “can do” attitude that I want to be.
How did you get involved in the Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships?
I first became involved as a member of the Waukesha Catholic Athletic Board in 2009. After my first season, I was hooked. The excitement of the tournament and the opportunity it provided to the student-athletes was unlike anything I had been part of. I committed to wanting to help provide that experience to as many student-athletes as possible ever since. My tenure with “the Seton” has allowed me the privilege to take on greater levels of responsibility year over year, which has included serving as the assistant tournament director for the last many years.
What is the background of the Seton?
The Seton is volleyball’s equivalent to the Padre Serra basketball tournament, bringing together schools from seven conferences throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. The invitation-only tournament consists of three divisions containing 68 total teams, including both “A” and “B” teams (48 girls teams in two divisions and 20 boys teams in a single division) competing in 156 matches over seven days.
Why do you remain involved with the Seton?
I have always considered athletics to be part of my mission to our Church. There are a number of great ways to be involved, but for me, athletics is something for which I have a true passion. I believe there are ways to help develop young people, and the lessons of fair play, sportsmanship and hard work that can be learned from participating in sports are consistent with the teaching of our Church. Being able to share my passion while also being able to share our faith with these student-athletes is a calling that I could not, and cannot, turn away from.
What is your favorite thing about the Seton?
The fact that we have a Division 2 bracket. I truly believe all players deserve the opportunity to have an experience like playing in the Seton. Some of my favorite memories from past Setons have included watching how excited some of these teams are when they get to the tournament, and how enthusiastically the students, faculty and parish staff support these players.
What happens to the tournament’s net proceeds?
The Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships supports the Waukesha County Catholic Schools tuition assistance fund — allowing Catholic school education as an option to those that cannot afford full tuition — the Foundation for Religious Retirement, and Waukesha Catholic Athletics.
What is your favorite sport to watch? Coach? Play?
I love to watch many sports, including football, volleyball and basketball. I love to coach volleyball, and I love to play basketball.
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
My grandfather once told me to take every opportunity to learn something new. Even the bad experiences teach you something and can make the good ones that much more valuable. In my experience, he could not have been more right, as it applies equally to our faith life, our family life or our work life.