As we close the book on the second month of Safer at Home, many families are growing understandably weary of the measures they’ve needed to take to keep themselves and others safe from COVID-19.
But we also know that God, in his mercy, can bring light from even the deepest darkness; so we asked the Milwaukee Catholic Mamas if they had experienced any unexpected blessings during this season of social distancing.
The leadership of my husband in our domestic church has been such a joy to see. As we can no longer worship outside of our home, seeing him lead us and exercise his priesthood has been a wonderful blessing, and I sincerely hope it continues once the quarantine ends.
— Kate J.
It has forced me to slow down a bit more and focus on my own passion for writing, which is a nice distraction.
— Danielle H.
A few weeks ago, on that really rainy Wednesday, our sump pump died and our basement started to flood. If I had not been working from home and able to act fast as the water started to take over our basement, I can only imagine the disaster we would have encountered if the issue had been discovered later in the day.
— Jenni O.
Getting to spend extra time with my high school senior. We haven’t spent this much time together since before he started driving.
— Kristin K.
Well, the silver lining is that I went out of my comfort zone, prayed and got a job after all. I contacted references, and all five of them said they would provide positive feedback. Several said they would pray for me. I now fill online orders at a certain grocery store and I enjoy it. Last week, I worked 43 hours. It’s probably the most physically demanding job I’ve ever had. I usually log about 7,000-11,000 steps in a shift. My husband has started shopping and cooking more, and I’ve suggested several game nights. We normally eat together every night, but the vibe has been different in that our youngest son is more adventuresome and suggests different ideas for dinner. God is good and I’m grateful to have this job amid this pandemic.
— Linda K.
Honestly, the first month of quarantine and this month feel like two different eras. The first month or so it seems like all I could see were the silver linings. More time together as a family, time to teach habits of prayer that I never had time to before, for creative pursuits, making cards for nursing homes, etc. Lately, it feels like all the silver linings have rusted over as this time drags on and on. I’m finding it harder to stay motivated. It is really hard to keep all different age levels on track with their learning. I have not been able to keep up with my household work and do all this teaching, and for a stay-at-home mom there are no breaks at all. The thought of facing a summer with all activities canceled is making me sad. Still, this time has been one of deep spiritual insights and a time to reflect on how the pace of society has been harming our family life.
— Liz A.
Definitely more peaceful family time. It is the simple things—baking, cooking, organizing, and watching TV series together. We are counting our blessings despite the challenges. Finally, of special note, my daughter is a senior in high school. She will miss all the normal celebrations that come with senior year, prom, awards ceremony, graduation. Yet her attitude is remarkable — better than mine.
— Margie M.
I have a hubs who travels exclusively for work Monday through Thursdays; the weeknights can be difficult flying solo with homework as well as after-school activities, etc. While hubs has been grounded, we have enjoyed getting into a routine of nightly family rosary and dinner. I have been gifted quality time with four of my favorite people in the world.
— Amy L.
The memories we will have are the silver lining for me. As time passes, I think the stressful memories will fade but the time together, the porch pictures, the carry-out, the online connections we’ve made with friends we usually only see once a year, having us all home for every meal together, even watching church online together — we won’t forget and I won’t be willing to give it all up when the safer at home is lifted. We are even closer than we were before it.
— Jenny E.