Yes, something did happen: My brother recently reminded me that I hadn’t blogged since Nov. 25, and expressed concern that something had happened. Yes, something did happen — the Holy See appointed an archbishop for Milwaukee (and a publisher for your Catholic Herald and, and our focus has been on his arrival.
We have published a heckuva welcome section to commemorate the start of the Archbishop Listecki era. Forty-four pages of material you won’t read and see elsewhere. If you subscribe to the print edition of your Catholic Herald, it’s with the publication you received Dec. 31. Otherwise, call (877) 769-7699 or visit elsewhere on this Web site to order your copy.
Landlord could help tenants: Just as your Catholic Herald has a new publisher, like us the Milwaukee Bucks also have a new landlord in Archbishop Listecki. Both the Bucks and your Herald rent their space from the archdiocese.
As I watched our workplace neighbors work/play so terribly against San Antonio Dec. 26, it dawned on me that Scott Skiles might welcome some assistance from the former player and coach who now heads the Milwaukee Archdiocese. As a player the archbishop was known for his tenacity; as a coach he taught players how to be aggressive. Given how much they have been losing lately, the Bucks have nothing to lose by seeking the archbishop’s counsel. How ’bout it, Scott?
Doing the right thing: Since Dec. 17, four Irish bishops — two ordinaries and two auxiliaries — have resigned in the wake of revelations that the Dublin Archdiocese covered up clergy sexual abuse allegations, and that in doing so put children at further risk of abuse.
Makes one wonder if the healing from clergy sexual abuse in our country would have begun sooner had those leading the Boston Archdiocese in the ’80s and ’90s, when allegations were brought to the attention of the cardinal-archbishop and his auxiliaries, done the same thing when the scandal broke in 2002?
Resolution: As a “print guy,” it has taken some time to adjust to blogging and for the need to schedule time to do it. As we step into the new decade, I plan to budget time to make this an editorial priority. However, like the late Mr. Ed, I don’t talk unless I have something to say. When I do, be assured it will be posted promptly.
Can’t let this year end without acknowledging Craig Berry, the DigiCentral Web guru from New Hope, Minn., who revamped your Herald’s Web site and introduced us to the many wonders of technology, and our staff reporters, Tracy Rusch and Amy Rewolinski, who speak Web and who are able to guide me through technological mazes I encounter.
Talk to you next year/decade.