The conference went great, for those of you who were wondering. I want to say thanks to both the members of ATLA and also of CATLA, from whom I received a scholarship to help pave the way for me going to this conference. I did learn a lot at the different lectures, however, most of it was strictly of librarian interest and probably not too interesting to anybody else, except for one lecture from a gentleman who is working on the personal library of C.S. Lewis, finding the books and cataloguing them. I did go to several reference lectures, and am looking forward to test some of the knowledge I received, so come on in.
As some of you may know, I am, very slowly I must admit, trying to expand our CD and DVD collections at the library. The progress is slow going, but it is progressing. However, I do want to mention a significant addition that we have made to the CD collection. I was going to Good Friday services at a church back home, St. Michael’s, when I saw a stand with CD’s and pamphlets for sale, through a company called Lighthouse Catholic Media. Their suggested donation was $3 or $4. That was such an incredible price that I had to check it out online when I got back to the library that next week, and lo and behold they had an online catalog offering about 180 different CDs for these same prices.
Many talks are by such people as Mother Theresa, Fulton Sheen, Dr. Scott Hahn and many other relevant Catholic speakers. We were able to purchase about 80 of these CDs, and have, thus, basically doubled our collection in the last several weeks. So, please come in and check out these CDs, they are perfect for a little listening while driving to work or doing things around the house. If anybody has any suggestions for good DVDs or CDs, audio books, both talks and musical, please let me know. This library is here for you, and your suggestions cannot help but make it better.
As always, if you have any ideas and comments for things I could change, please let me know. These are always appreciated, anything I can do to make this better I will strive my best to accomplish.
Here is some of the basic information about the library:
- Our standard hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays, 12 to 8 p.m.; Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Our address is 3257 S. Lake Dr. St. Francis, WI 53235, right next to Henni Hall, due west of the South Parking Lot.
- The library’s phone number is (414) 747-6479. If you would like to contact me through email, it is
- There is free Wi-Fi available.
So, come in and check us out – everybody is welcome.