Though Sam Schrauth, 17, a senior at St. Mary’s Springs Academy, Fond du Lac, will head off to Minnesota State University-Mankato this fall to pursue a business major, he has left a mark at home in Campbellsport. Sam Schrauth, 17, stands with his father and role model, Tim Schrauth, at the state track meet last year. (Submitted photo by Stephanie Bruskey)
The oldest of eight children has been involved in sports, including track and football in school, as well as multiple service projects at his parish, St. Matthew, where he has volunteered at parish dinners and fundraisers each year. He also went on a mission trip to Nicaragua during his sophomore year of high school — an experience that helped him to better appreciate his life.
“I wanted to take it to see how good we have it in America,” he wrote in an email to Catholic Herald’s myFaith. “I saw a lot of people living in shacks that were the size of ice shanties, but they all seemed happy. I learned to not take what I have for granted.”
School and/or occupation:
Senior at St. Mary’s Springs Academy, Fond du Lac; will be attending Minnesota State University – Mankato, next year to pursue a major in business
What is your dream job?
Own my own business, but I am not sure what kind of business, though.
What’s on your iPod?
Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, The Eagles, Bad Company, or anything classic rock or country
If you could dine with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Franklin Roosevelt, because I would like to know what was going through the mind of a man who led his country through the Great Depression and a World War.
Who has made the biggest impact upon you?
My father, because I have spent so much time with him ever since I was born. We have a bond that cannot be broken, and he has taught me so much about life.
What’s one thing that makes you unique?
I do not get embarrassed easily.
Describe a normal weekend:
Some type of work, whether that be yard work or hauling cattle, my own or siblings’ sporting events, church, and hanging out with my friends and family.
Favorite Bible story/Scripture passage/prayer:
I am a fan of the story of the Last Supper and Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.
Favorite quote:
“The difference between a successful person and others is not the lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi
What is your favorite food, dessert?
Steak/prime rib
Favorite pastime/hobby/activity:
A challenge in life that has strengthened your faith:
At an age where most of my friends find going to church boring and not necessary, I have been able to build a strong relationship with God by going to church every week, and praising and communicating with him through prayer and worship.
What is the most important thing you want to accomplish in life?
I want to have a profitable career while raising a wonderful family.
How do you live your faith every day?
I pray to God every day in thanksgiving for what I have, and I do my best to live out Christ’s word and teachings.
Name one guilty pleasure:
I find myself singing “High School Musical” sometimes.