The February issue of Catholic Herald Family celebrates Catholic education through stories on schools in the 10 counties of the archdiocese, and what they’re doing to enhance their Catholic education.
Time to celebrate Catholic education
What makes a Catholic school Catholic?
Schools exist to advance teaching mission of church, says superintendent
1 school, 3 generations of teachers
Teaching at St. Matthew is family affair
Parenting role shifts from caregiver to care-filled observer
Communication key to healthy parent, adult child relationships
‘Memorial Way’ thrives in Waukesha
School, founded in memory of war heroes, celebrates 65 years
Her labratory is the world
Science teacher integrates lessons with faith
Program brings diversity to Fond du Lac school
Global Outreach allows youths to exchange views across cultures
Family donates math books to St. Andrew School, Delavan
Donation a way to say thanks for Catholic education
Daughter’s ‘destiny’ is Marquette
Family proud she’ll experience 12 years of Catholic education