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Look at the world through Jesus’ eyes
Based on 1Kgs 17:10-16; Herb 9:24-28, Gospel of MK 12:38-44
In this Sunday’s readings we see two examples of generous love. In the first reading the widow, despite her meager rations, prepares what little food she has and shares it with Elijah. He assures her she will not suffer from want. God miraculously fulfilled Elijah’s promise; her food supply did not run out for the entire time of the country’s drought.
In the Gospel we see Jesus sitting and watching the crowds in the temple putting money “into the treasury.” Many rich people put in large sums. Jesus’ gaze is focused on a “poor widow” who puts in “two small coins.”
Why is this significant? Because becoming a disciple of Jesus means learning to look at everything the way he does. We haven’t yet become his disciples if we haven’t learned to see people, things and situations with Jesus’ eyes.
Jesus’ disciples in this Gospel are in the temple but apparently their eyes are focused elsewhere. Jesus calls them together; he gathers them to call their attention to something really important – the poor widow. She has put more than anyone else into the treasury – she has given everything she has to live on.
Jesus showed his disciples that this widow has given everything to God. Her selfless sacrifice is really a summary of Jesus’ entire teaching: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:3). Seeing the widow’s sacrifice and keeping alert to the poor and the little people, the disciples will also understand what matters most to Jesus.
The reading from Hebrews again centers on Jesus as our High Priest whose perfect sacrifice of his own life accomplished the remission of our sins.
In this Year of Faith, one way we are called to renew our personal relationship with Jesus and commitment to the church is to worship wholeheartedly at Mass, to participate fully in the prayers and hymns, and to focus our gaze on what is happening at the altar.
At each Mass we are invited to a banquet – the altar of sacrifice. Jesus wants to speak to us through his Word and to feed us with his Body and Blood – to give us a sharing in his divine life and to fill our needs. Jesus calls us together; he gathers us so he can fill our hungry hearts.