Pentecost a Time to Celebrate Holy Spirit at Work
Herald of Hope Whenever I administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to young people, I tell them that [...]
Herald of Hope Whenever I administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to young people, I tell them that [...]
Herald of Hope I have always enjoyed the sensate elements of the Easter season — a brightly [...]
Herald of Hope What are you giving up for Lent? During the Lenten season, most of us [...]
Herald of Hope At the beginning of a New Year, we typically find ourselves desiring and praying [...]
Herald of Hope The tragic incident at the holiday parade in Waukesha on Nov. 21 that resulted [...]
Herald of Hope My first assignment as a young priest was in the Near South Side neighborhood [...]
Herald of Hope When I first began to contemplate a vocation to the priesthood as a child [...]
Herald of Hope On Aug. 28, the Church celebrates the memorial of St. Augustine. Augustine was born [...]
Herald of Hope When I was a young child, my parents decided that we would take a [...]
Herald of Hope “Evangelization” is a term that we hear often in the Church today. What does [...]