Give Us Shepherds: Dcn. Jim Chrisien
COLLEEN JURKIEWICZ CATHOLIC HERALD STAFF When did you first feel a call to the diaconate? The feelings I had [...]
COLLEEN JURKIEWICZ CATHOLIC HERALD STAFF When did you first feel a call to the diaconate? The feelings I had [...]
COLLEEN JURKIEWICZ CATHOLIC HERALD STAFF You said your ordination almost didn’t happen. Why’s that? Well, we’ve got all these [...]
CALLIE GAY SPECIAL TO THE CATHOLIC HERALD Do you have any favorite memories of the farm growing up? One really [...]
Dcn. Allen Olson was raised Lutheran, and his first experience of the Catholic Faith was attending Mass with a friend’s family: “The first thing I remember was thinking, you guys kneel a lot.”
The importance of the Catholic faith, works of charity and extending Christ’s love were instilled in Dcn. Rick Wirch at a young age through deeds more than words.
COLLEEN JURKIEWICZ CATHOLIC HERALD STAFF What was it like growing up in such a large family? For me, it [...]
CALLIE GAY SPECIAL TO THE CATHOLIC HERALD Did your faith play a major role in your childhood? My grandmother [...]
Dcn. Jim Deiters grew up on the south side of Chicago but is now the permanent deacon at St. Benedict in Fontana.
CALLIE GAY SPECIAL TO THE CATHOLIC HERALD How early do you remember being called to the priesthood? My parents taught [...]
Fr. Ricardo Martin has embraced the use of technology during the coronavirus pandemic.