Editor’s Note: Because of an incorrect file, the listings that appeared in the Jan. 24 issue of the Catholic Herald were incorrect. The following is the updated listing.
Catholic Central High School 262-763-1510
www.cchsnet.org Fax: 262-763-1509
148 McHenry St., Burlington, 53105
Prin: Bonnie Scholz, bscholz@cchsnet.org
Campus Min: Margot Hayes, mhayes@cchsnet.org; Beth Rydeski, erydeski@cchsnet.org
Enrollment: 140 students
St. Mary’s Springs Academy 920-921-4870
www.smsacademy.org Fax: 920-922-7849 255 County Road K, Fond du Lac, 54937
Pres: Kelly Norton, knorton@smsacademy.org System Prin: Erin Flood, eflood@smsacademy.org Assoc Prin (PreK-5): Steve Kelnhofer,
Campus Min: Blaine Hechimovich, bhechimovich@smsacademy.org
Enrollment: 251 students
St. Joseph Catholic Academy
(PreK-12) 262-654-8651
www.sjcawi.org Fax: 262-654-1615
Upper Campus (Grades 6-12): 2401 69th St., Kenosha, 53143
Lower Campus (Grades PreK-5): 7207 14th Ave., Kenosha, 53143
President/Prin High School: Robert Freund, 2401 69th St., Kenosha, 53143, 262-645-8651, rfreund@sjcawi.org
Prin (Preschool-Gr. 5): Kerstin Santarelli, 7207 14th Ave., Kenosha, 53143, 262-656-7360, ksantarelli@sjcawi.org
Middle School Prin: Matt Rizzo, 2401 69th St., Kenosha, 53143, 262-654-8651, ext. 120, mrizzo@sjcawi.org
Dir of Student Conduct: Whitney Witthun, wwitthun@sjcawi.org
Dir of Finance: Jean Fredrickson, jfredrickson@sjcawi.org
Dir of Development: Pauline McTernan, pmcternan@sjcawi.org
Dir of Athletics: Dave Witthun, dwitthun@sjcawi.org
Admissions: Jennifer Santelli, jsantelli@sjcawi.org; Molly Ryan, mryan@sjcawi.org
Enrollment: 725 students
Members: All Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie Parishes
Divine Savior Holy Angels
High School 414-462-3742
www.dsha.info Fax: 414-466-0590
4257 N.100th St., Milwaukee, 53222 SISTERS OF THE DIVINE SAVIOR
President: Katie Konieczny, koniecznyk@dsha.info
Prin: Daniel Quesnell, quesnellD@dsha.info
Senior Vice Pres Finance & Admin: Sally Gramling, gramlingS@dsha.info
Chair of Theology: Lorna Grade, gradeL@dsha.info
Dir of Campus Ministry: Kathleen Cullen, cullenK@dsha.info
Academic Dean: Heather Moran Mansfield, mansfieldH@dsha.info
Dean of Student Affairs: Lara Geronime, geronimel@dsha.info
Enrollment: 687 girls
Dominican High School 414-332-1170
www.dominicanhighschool.com Fax: 414-332-4101 120 E. Silver Spring Dr., Milwaukee, 53217
Head of School: Leanne Giese, legiese@dominicanhighschool.com
Dean of Academics: Edward Foy, efoy@dominicanhighschool.com
Bus Mgr: Mary Sue Braun, mbraun@dominicanhighschool.com
Dir of Admissions: Jonathan Friday, jfriday@dominicanhighschool.com
Dean of Students: Brian Geittmann, bgeittman@dominicanhighschool.com
Campus Min: Susan Celentani, scelentani@dominicanhighschool.com
Enrollment: 300 students
St. Anthony High School 414-763-6352
www.stanthonymilwaukee.org Fax: 414-764-9467
4807 S. 2nd St., Milwaukee, 53207-5919
President: José Vásquez, vasquezj@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Vice Pres of Academic Affairs: Laura Gutierrez, gutierrezl@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Chief Operations Officer: Martha Andrade, andradem@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Lead Administrator: Chris Joch, jochc@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Associate Prin: Matthew St. Martin, stmartinm@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Registrar/Office Mgr: Millicent Glaeser, glaeserm@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Admissions Dir: Jennifer Cespedes, cespedesj@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Dept Chair of Theology/Campus Minister: James Schultz, schultzj@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Campus Minister: Deanna Love, loved@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Athletic Dir: Brian Geittmann, geittmannb@stanthonymilwaukee.org
Enrollment: 628 students
St. Joan Antida High School 414-272-8423
Fax: 414-272-3135
1341 N. Cass St., Milwaukee, 53202 SISTERS OF CHARITY OF ST. JOAN ANTIDA
Head of School: Marikris Coryell, mcoryell@saintjoanantida.org
Prin: Elizabeth Lingen, elingen@saintjoanantida.org
Dir of Admissions & Enrollment: Alexis Carter, acarter@saintjoanantida.org
Business Office Manger: Dioceline Estremera, destremera@saintjoanantida.org
Dir of Development & Communications: Joel Cencius, jcencius@saintjoanantida.org
Dir of Mission & Ministry: Sr. Elizabeth Weber, elizabeth@scja.org
Enrollment: 150 students (girls only)
Theology Dept Chairperson: Jamie Hillier, jhillier@saintjoanantida.org
Marquette University High School 414-933-7220
Fax: 414-937-8588
3401 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, 53208 SOCIETY OF JESUS
President: Rev. Michael Marco, SJ, marco@muhs.edu
Prin: Jeffrey Monday, monday@muhs.edu
Asst Prin of Academics: Fran Maloney, maloney@muhs.edu Dean of Students: Casey Kowalewski, kowalewski@muhs.edu Vice Pres Finance: Bert Duerrmeier, duerrmeier@muhs.edu Vice Pres Dev: John Thimmesch, thimmesch@muhs.edu
Vice President of Communications and Marketing: Scott Rudie, rudie@muhs.edu
Admissions Dir: Sean O’Brien, obrien@muhs.edu
Dir of Instruction: Megan Doering, doering@muhs.edu
Pastoral Dir: Paul Farrell, farrell@muhs.edu
Enrollment: 1028 boys
Messmer High School 414-264-5440
www.messmerschools.org Fax: 414-264-0672
742 W. Capitol Dr., Milwaukee, 53206
President: James Piatt, jpiatt@messmerschools.org Prin: Todd Willems, twillems@messmerschools.org Mission and Advancement Coord: Richard Anderson,
Dir of Guidance: Amy Gibson, agibson@messmerschools.org
Enrollment: 725 students
Pius XI Catholic High School 414-290-7000
www.piusxi.org Fax: 414-290-7001
135 N. 76th St., Milwaukee, 53213
Email: piusxi@piusxi.org
President: Jack Herbert, jherbert@piusxi.org
Prin: Mark Ostap, mostap@piusxi.org
Faith Formation Dir: Jason Gonzalez, jgonzalez@piusxi.org
Asst Prin: Kara Rogatzki, krogatzki@piusxi.org Admissions Dir: Jeanna Bunke, jbunke@piusxi.org Chief Financial Officer: Lynn Roskos, lroskos@piusxi.org
Chief Advancement Officer: Angela Reilly, areilly@piusxi.org
Enrollment: 800 students
St. Thomas More High School 414-481-8370
www.tmore.org Fax: 414-481-3382
2601 E. Morgan Ave., Milwaukee, 53207-3725
President: Mary McIntosh
Prin: Nicholas Kelly
Asst Prin/Dean of Students: Mary Christensen
Dir of Finance: Abby Falk Athletic Dir: John Hoch Recruitment: Lucas Thomas Enrollment: 532 students
St. Lawrence Seminary High School 920-753-7500
www.stlawrence.edu Fax: 920-753-7507
301 Church St., Mount Calvary, 53057
Rector: Rev. Zoy Garibay OFM Cap
Academic Dean/Prin: David Bartel, dbartel@stlawrence.edu Dean of Students: Kevin Buelow, kbuelow@stlawrence.edu Campus Minister: Br. Mitchell Frantz, OFM Cap,
Admissions Dept: Francisco Sauceda, fsauceda@stlawrence.edu
- College-bound boarding high school for young men whose parents want to provide for them the opportunity to lay a foundation for a life of ministry in the church as priests, brothers or laymen.
Enrollment: 160
St. Catherine’s High School, a Siena Catholic School 262-632-2785
Fax: 262-632-5144
1200 Park Ave., Racine, 53403-1847
Pres: Brenda White, bwhite@sienacatholicschools.org
Prin: Betty Hunt, bhunt@saintcats.org
Dir of Admissions: Kory Wandrey, kwandrey@saintcats.org
Vice Pres of Finance: Nancy Kost, nkost@saintcats.org
Vice Pres of Advancement: Tim Weiss, tweiss@saintcats.org Campus Min: Fr. Allen Alexander, aalexander@saintcats.org Enrollment: 660 students (6th-12th Grades)
Catholic Memorial High School 262-542-7101
www.catholicmemorial.net Fax: 262-542-1633
601 E. College Ave., Waukesha, 53186-5538
President: Donna Bembenek, ext. 502, dbembenek@catholicmemorial.net
Prin: Laura Anderson, ext. 511, landerson@catholicmemorial.net
Campus Minister: Jonathan Brzeski, ext. 521, jbrzeski@catholicmemorial.net
Dean of Students: Steve Plechaty, ext. 512, splechaty@catholicmemorial.net
Athletics Dir: Greg Gamalski, ext. 541, ggamalski@catholicmemorial.net
Dir of Finance & Human Resources: Dawn Keller, ext. 571, dkeller@catholicmemorial.net
Dir of Admissions: Julie Lindahl, ext. 551, jlindahl@catholicmemorial.net
Dir of Development: Jessica Mulligan, ext. 561, jmulligan@catholicmemorial.net
Enrollment: 700 students
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School 414-436-4600
1215 S. 45th St, West Milwaukee, 53214 SOCIETY OF JESUS
Pres: Andrew Stith, ext. 113, astith@cristoreymilwaukee.org
Prin: Luke Harrison, ext. 133, lharrison@cristoreymilwaukee.org
Dir of Admissions: Betty Suarez, ext. 132, bsuarez@cristoreymilwaukee.org
Dir of Finance and Operations: Maricruz Talavera-Pettis, ext. 240, mtalavera@christoreymilwaukee.org
Development Dir: Tracy Josetti, ext. 120, tjosetti@cristoreymilwaukee.org
Vice Pres for Strategic Growth: Fr. Bill Johnson, SJ, ext. 112, bjohnson@cristoreymilwaukee.org
Corporate Work Study Program Dir: Joe Mazza, ext. 110, jmazza@cristoreymilwaukee.org
Enrollment: 394 Students (9th-12th grades)
St. Mary’s Springs Academy
(PreK-12) 920-924-0993
255 County Road K, Fond du Lac, 54937
Business Office: 920-921-4870, ext. 8009
Administration Office: 920-921-4870, ext. 8056
Admin Fax: 920-922-7849
PreK-5 Fax: 920-921-5908
Gr. 6-12 Fax: 920-921-1286
President: Kelly Norton, knorton@smsacademy.org
Prin (Pre-5): Steve Kelnhofer, skelnhofer@smsacademy.org
Prin (6-12): Julie Shively, jshively@smsacademy.org
Dir of Campus Ministry: Blaine Hechimovch, bhechimovich@smsacademy.org
Dir of Student Life: Kasey Smith Enrollment Coord: Kelly Mueuer Dev Office: Katie Tank
Dir of Bus Op: Barbara Loehr Dir of IT: Ryan Miller Athletic Dir: Greg Hoffman
All Saints Catholic School (K4-8) 262-925-4000
www.allsaintskenosha.org Fax: 262-925-0399
South Campus: 7400 39th Ave., Kenosha, 53142 North Campus: 4400 22nd Ave., Kenosha, 53140 Phone: 262-948-4000
Fax: 262-925-4030
Prin: Jacqueline Lichter, jlichter@allsaintskenosha.org
Members: All Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie Parishes
St. Joseph Catholic Academy
(PreK-12) 262-654-8651
www.sjcawi.org Fax: 262-654-1615
Upper Campus (Grades 6-12): 2401 69th St., Kenosha, 53143
Lower Campus (Grades PreK-5): 7207 14th Ave., Kenosha, 53143
President/Prin High School: Robert Freund, 2401 69th St., Kenosha, 53143, 262-645-8651, rfreund@sjcawi.org
Prin (Preschool-Gr. 5): Kerstin Santarelli, 7207 14th Ave., Kenosha, 53143, 262-656-7360, ksantarelli@sjcawi.org
Middle School Prin: Matt Rizzo, 2401 69th St., Kenosha, 53143, 262-654-8651, ext. 120, mrizzo@sjcawi.org
Dir of Student Conduct: Whitney Witthun, wwitthun@sjcawi.org
Dir of Finance: Jean Fredrickson, jfredrickson@sjcawi.org
Dir of Development: Pauline McTernan, pmcternan@sjcawi.org
Dir of Athletics: Dave Witthun, dwitthun@sjcawi.org
Admissions: Jennifer Santelli, jsantelli@sjcawi.org; Molly Ryan, mryan@sjcawi.org
Enrollment: 725 students
Members: All Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie Parishes
Holyland Catholic School 920-795-4222
www.holylandcatholicschool.com Fax: 920-795-4126
Admin Office: N9290 County W, Malone, 53049
Prin: Rick Erickson
School Sites: St. John the Baptist School (PS-3 Yr. to Gr. 8), N9290 County W, Malone, 53049, 920-795-4222
Members: St. Isidore the Farmer Parish, Mount Calvary; St. Mary Parish, Marytown; St. John the Baptist Parish, Johnsburg
Catholic East Elementary 414-964-1770
www.catholiceast.org Fax: 414-964-6578
2461 N. Murray Ave., Milwaukee, 53211
Campuses: SS. Peter and Paul School, 2461 N. Murray Ave., Milwaukee, 53211, 414-964-1770; Holy Rosary School,
2038 N. Bartlett Ave., Milwaukee, 53202
Prin: Jennifer Jones, jjones@catholiceast.org
Members: Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, St. Mary (Old) Parish, Our Lady of Divine Providence Parish, SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Three Holy Women Parish
Seton Catholic Schools 414-831-8400
Seton Catholic Schools Staff:
President: Vacant
Chief Academic Officer: William H. Hughes, Ph.D., 414-831-8450, bhughes@setoncatholicschools.org
Dir of Curriculum and Instruction: Leni Dietrich, 414-831-8451, ldietrich@setoncatholicschools.org
Chief Financial Officer: Cathy Cramer, 414-831-8410, ccramer@setoncatholicschools.org
Dir of Campus Ministry: Eamonn O’Keefe, 414-831-8462, eokeeffe@setoncatholicschools.org
Mary Queen of Saints
Catholic Academy 414-476-0751
1435 S. 92nd St., West Allis, 53214
Prin: Micahel Derrick, derrick@mgscateacher.org
Northwest Catholic School 414-352-6927
http://www.nwcschool.org/ Fax: 414-760-1037
Lower Campus: 7140 N. 41st St., Milwaukee, 53209, 414-352-6927
Prin: Michelle Paris, mparis@setoncatholicschools.org
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Catholic School 414-672-6660
https://www.olqpmke.org/Domain/4 Fax: 414-672-2739
2733 W. Euclid Avenue, Milwaukee, 53215
Prin: Janet Orlowski, jorlow@olqpstaff.org
Prince of Peace School 414-645-4922
http://www.princeofpeaceschool.org Fax: 414-645-4940
22nd St. Campus: 1646 S. 22nd St., Milwaukee, 53204 25th St. Campus: 1114 S. 25th St., Milwaukee, 53204 Prin: Patti Blaszczyk, blaszczykp@princeofpeaceschool.org
St. Catherine School 414-445-2846
http://www.saintcatherine.org Fax: 414-445-0448
2647 N. 51st St., Milwaukee, 53210
Prin: Michelle Paris, mparis@setoncatholicschools.org
St. Charles Borromeo Parish School 414-282-0767
http://www.scbmil.org/school/index.htm Fax: 414-817-9605
3100 W. Parnell Avenue, Milwaukee, 53221
Prin: Courtney Albright, calbright@sbcmil.org
St. Martin of Tours School 414-425-9200
Fax: 414-425-2527
7933 S. 116th St., Franklin, 53132
Prin: Rob Beckmann
St. Rafael the Archangel School 414-645-1300
South Campus: 2251 S. 31st St., Milwaukee, 53215
Fax: 414-645-1415
North Campus: 2075 S. 32nd St., Milwaukee, 53215
Phone: 414-643-6090
Fax: 414-383-1836
Prin: Amy Barbiaux, abarbiaux@strafael.org
St. Roman Parish School 414-282-7970
https://www.stromanschool.com/ Fax: 414-282-5140
1810 W. Bolivar Avenue, Milwaukee, 53221
Prin: Susan Shawver, sshawver@stromans.com
St. Thomas Aquinas Academy 414-744-1214
http://www.thomasaquinasacademy.com/ Fax: 414-744-8340
341 E. Norwich St., Milwaukee, 53207
Prin: Frank Edgeworth, fedgeworth@setoncatholicschools.org
All Saints Catholic School 262-864-3013
1481 172nd Ave., Union Grove, 53182 (K-8)
Prin: Jacqueline Lichter
Members: St. John the Baptist Parish, Paris; St. Francis Xavier Parish, Brighton; St. Mary Parish, Kansasville; St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, Union Grove
St. John XXIII Catholic School 262 284-2682
www.portcatholic.org Fax: 262-284-5408 1802 N. Wisconsin St., Port Washington, 53074
Prin: Kristine Klein
Exec Dir: Marisol Salazar
Lower Campus: 446 Johnson St., Port Washington, 53074
Phone: 262-284-2441
Upper Campus: 1802 N. Wisconsin St., Port Washington, 53074
Phone: 262-284-2682
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Catholic School 920-452-1571
814 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, 53081
Prin: Regina Brown
Members: Holy Name of Jesus Parish, St. Clement Parish, St. Dominic Parish
Waukesha Catholic 262-896-2929
Fax: 262-896-2934
Members: St. John Neumann Parish, St. Joseph Parish, St. Mary Parish, St. William Parish
Administrative Office: 221 S. Hartwell Ave., Waukesha, 53186
Prin: Lisa Kovaleski, ext. 1318, lkovaleski@waukeshacatholic.org
St. Joseph Middle School Campus: 818 N. East Ave., Waukesha, 53186
Phone: 262-896-2930
Fax: 262-896-2935
Assoc Prin: Joseph Heinecke, jheinecke@waukeshacatholic.org St. Mary Campus: 520 E. Newhall Ave., Waukesha, 53186 Phone: 262-896-2932
Fax: 262-896-2931
Assoc Prin: Lori Suarez, lsuarez@waukeshacatholic.org
St. William Campus: 444 N. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, 53188
Phone: 262-896-2920
Fax: 262-896-2925
Wauwatosa Catholic School 414-258-9977
Fax: 414-258-9972
1500 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, 53213
Prin: Lori Suarez, ext. 110 , principal@wauwatosacatholic.org
School Secy: Kathy Glembin, ext. 108, schooloffice@wauwatosacatholic.org
Members: St. Bernard Parish, Wauwatosa; St. Pius X Parish, Wauwatosa