Phil Rizzitano (left) and Thomas Connolly, shown at a recruitment day for the Carthage College Knights of Columbus Round Table, will attend a national conference in Connecticut next month. (Submitted photo)
Thomas Connolly credits his strong Catholic faith to his education at St. Joseph Catholic Academy in Kenosha.
As a college student living his faith fully, that foundation is taking him places — like to a national conference for collegiate Knights of Columbus groups.
Connolly and fellow SJCA alum Philip Rizzitano, both members of the Carthage College Knights of Columbus Round Table, will attend the College Councils Conference in New Haven, Connecticut, from Oct. 4-6.
Attendees participate in a dynamic program of prayer, inspiring speakers, networking opportunities and leadership training.
Both men will attend the annual awards banquet, where they announce the Outstanding College Council winners, as well as winners of other prestigious awards. Connelly and Rizzitano will listen to keynote speeches, and attend training sessions, panels and main stage presentations on council best practices, leadership development and how to live as Catholic gentlemen.
New Haven is the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus, and the conference will include a visit to the Blessed Michael J. McGivney Pilgrimage Center and Mass at St. Mary’s Church, which is his burial site. At the conference, college Knights will have the opportunity to meet, network and exchange ideas with more than 200 college council leaders from nearly 100 councils across North America.
Connolly and Rizzitano serve as president and vice president of the Carthage Knights Roundtable they established in January.
According to Dr. David Kreutz — Wisconsin State Advocate KOC, Co-Officer of Milwaukee Archdiocese KOC, Deputy Grand Knight Council 973 and Advisor to Carthage College KOC Round Table — both men have excelled in leadership through faith, family, community and life.
Dr. Kreutz nominated the men, and a committee selected them to represent the Carthage College Round Table.
“Thomas Connolly is a shining example of a product of St. Joseph Catholic Academy in Kenosha. As a fellow parishioner at St. Anthony of Padua, I have witnessed his daily commitment to living his faith and shining as a beacon of light in our community,” he said. “And Philip Rizzitano, a 2022 graduate of SJCA, is one of the most dependable young men I have met. Having taught, coached and employed young men for more than 30 years, that’s saying something. I first got to know Phil when I recruited him to join the Carthage College Knights of Columbus Round Table. He quickly became vice president, and I noticed straight away that he could talk to anyone. When Phil speaks, he is very inviting and genuinely interested in what the person says.”
As president of the Round Table, Connolly hopes to gain insight into what other college councils are doing across the country and contribute their methods to the committee, as well.
“After the recent Carthage involvement fair, we have now gained enough members to become a council and are currently beginning the process to do so,” he said. “We gained 14 additional members at this fair.”
Connolly is grateful to Dr. Kreutz for inviting him to join the Knights and said his Catholic faith is the rock of his life.
“I know that is true for Phillip as well as our other members. As it says in the Bible, ‘Faith without works is dead.’ We are to serve our neighbors, and above all, serve God,” he said. “The Knights is an organization that will help you understand the truth of the Catholic faith. You are united with other men who have a love for Christ that is truly inspiring.”
Connolly served as co-master of ceremonies with Dr. Kreutz at the March 2023 Men of Christ Conference at Carthage.
“Thomas showcased his impressive charisma and public speaking ability,” said Dr. Kreutz. “One evening, through prayer and reflection during adoration, I realized the Holy Spirit was leading me to support Thomas in starting a Knights of Columbus council at Carthage. After filing paperwork that summer, we worked together to recruit 11 new members by January. Under Thomas’ leadership, the Carthage Knights helped with funding for charities such as the Kenosha Special Olympics and Kenosha Achievement Center, ran multiple Food for Family drives, and organized a community multischool free-throw contest. He sets a remarkable example for faith leadership.”
As vice president of the Carthage Round Table, Rizzitano said he as well as Connolly are excited to travel to Connecticut for the conference.
“We’ve been excited since the moment we got the news,” he said. “It is also exciting that we will soon have our own council at Carthage. Throughout college, I’ve had the privilege of meeting wonderful people who have pushed me forward in my faith, such as Dr. David, Thomas, Blake and others within and outside our organization. They have helped me develop confidence and assurance of the promises of Christ. Becoming a Knight has allowed me to serve, which is an opportunity that all Christians should strive for.”
One aspect of belonging to the Knights of Columbus is the organization helps him to grow in his faith.
“Galatians 5:22-26 discusses the fruits of the Spirit,” Rizzitano said. “’But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.’ There has never been a time in my life where I have felt the fruits of the Spirit have been a part of my life as much as they are right now.”