Even if your average bowling score is below 100, or most of your balls end up in the gutter, the Knights of Columbus hope you participate in their first bowl-a-thon, Nov. 12 at Guttormsen Recreation Center in Kenosha.
Hosted by K of C Council 973, the charity bowl-a-thon will benefit individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
According to Grand Knight Dr. David Kreutz, they hope to raise $5,000 to help benefit local organizations, including Kenosha Achievement Center, Kenosha Special Olympics, Matthias Academy (Union Grove) and Shepherds College (Bristol).
“This is a new, innovative program for Council 973 that is replacing the multiple decades of our Tootsie Roll sales for individuals with intellectual disabilities,” Kreutz said. “Since many people no longer want candy as a fundraiser, we decided to have a family event fundraiser.”
Teams of up to six members are invited to register. The $75 entry fee includes three hours of bowling, shoes, pizza and soda.
Each team member will be provided with a sponsorship form to collect pledges from businesses, coworkers, family and friends.
“The sponsorship tiers are as follows: $25 or less for bronze, $50 for silver, $75 for gold, $100 for platinum, and $125 or more for diamond,” said Kreutz. “We need 32 teams to fill the 32-lane bowling alley we rented.”
Those who do not wish to sponsor a specific individual or team may send in a direct donation to the Knights of Columbus, 2318 63rd St., Kenosha, WI, 53143. Donors are asked to write “Bowl-a-thon” in the memo section of their check.
“There will also be opportunities to donate during the event, and we welcome the public to attend as a show of support,” said Kreutz. “Registration is open now until Nov. 11.”
Saturday, Nov. 12
12:30-3 p.m.
Guttormsen Recreation Center, 5411 Green Bay Road, Kenosha
Register by Nov. 11
To register, contact Grand Knight Dr. David Kreutz