This is the last in a series of articles written by directors of programs that receive funding from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal.
Liturgy, at the heart of what it means to be a Catholic, is sometimes referred to as “the work of the people.” It is our joy and responsibility to celebrate the Eucharist and the tradition of the church is to make sure that the liturgy bears the weight of such a responsibility.
A worshiper at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in New Berlin follows the worship guide during Easter Vigil services April 19, 2003 in this Catholic Herald file photo. The archdiocesan Office for Worship, a Catholic Stewardship Appeal funded ministry, serves 204 parishes in the archdiocese, providing them access to resources designed to help parishes worship well. (Catholic Herald file photo by Sam M. Lucero)Throughout Roman Catholic Christians’ history, the church attempts to make sure that the way we celebrate the liturgy reflects what the church teaches and what it believes. In fact, there is an ancient saying that reflects this tradition very well. “Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi” – the law of prayer is the law of belief.
Some liturgical theologians have added “Lex Vivendi” – the law of life. In short, the way we pray forms the way we believe, and those two then form how we live our lives.
The liturgy is indeed our work. As a resource to the people of our archdiocese, the Office for Worship, a Catholic Stewardship Appeal funded ministry, serves all of our 205 parishes, providing access to resources designed to help parishes worship well.
Through workshops, news-letters and other publications, the office provides formation and information to all involved in liturgical ministry. We coordinate archdiocesan liturgical celebrations through which the people and parishes of the archdiocese unite their voices in praise of God and are inspired to do the same in their individual parish communities.
During this past year, all countries of the world where English is the language of the liturgy, have prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist in a revised translation of the Latin. Our parish pastors and their pastoral staffs have educated themselves in the revised translation, and this fall the education has started in parish communities too. The Office of Worship has produced many resources for this education and catechesis on the revised translation.
The office also provides resources to support parish RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) programs, offers resources for adult confirmation, consults with parish leaders on the use of liturgical space and provides resources specific to parish leadership groups including Parish Council and Prayer and Worship committees.
The Catholic Stewardship Appeal is a vital source of funding that allows us to continue Christ’s work here in this corner of God’s kingdom.
As Archbishop Listecki’s director of his Office of Worship, I pray that you will be generous with the gifts you have at your disposal. Giving to the appeal is a concrete way to show your thankfulness to God. This ministry and many others provided by the archdiocese are made possible because of your continued support. Thank you for your gift to the Catholic Stewardship Appeal.
(Daniels is director of the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Office of Worship.)