Students of all ages are invited to enter Catholic Herald Family’s Christmas coloring contest.
Show us how you’d “Put Christ back into Christmas” on an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper, using any art medium (crayons, paint, pencils, etc.) and you could win a Walthers Trainline Christmas Zephyr Trainset valued at $150.
Entries will be judged in three age categories – 5 and under, 6 to 10, 11 to 14 – and the grand prize winner will be randomly selected from the top entry in each age group.
Winning entries will be printed in the December issue of Catholic Herald Family.
Include with entry: Name, age, address, phone number, email, school, grade level and parish.
Entries should be sent to Catholic Herald offices by Monday, Nov. 24:
Catholic Herald Family coloring contest
P.O. Box 070913
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0913