Just wondering: How many Catholics attending the Brewers’ home opener on Friday will actually observe the Good Friday fast and abstinence? For those who need a refresher, those practices have nothing to do with speed on the base paths and laying off pitches in the dirt, respectively. Archbishop Listecki said it best when he wrote about abstinence from meat for Catholic Brewer fans on Good Friday: “As much as we love the Brewers, unlike Jesus, they didn’t die for your sins.”
Benefit of mild winter: Without snow to shovel, Lent was less Lenten.
“And with your spirit”: If you really want to be an Easter person, don’t glare if people respond, “And also with you” to “The Lord be with you” during Easter Mass. It’s possible that they haven’t been to Mass since last Easter. If you have to look, which you don’t, make it a welcoming look. That might encourage them to return sooner than next Easter.
Catholic quote of the week: Pope Benedict XVI in his Holy Thursday Chrism Mass homily: “Anyone who considers the history of the post-conciliar era can recognize the process of true renewal, which often took unexpected forms in living movements and made almost tangible the inexhaustible vitality of holy church, the presence and effectiveness of the Holy Spirit. And if we look at the people from whom these fresh currents of life burst forth and continue to burst forth, then we see that this new fruitfulness requires being filled with the joy of faith, the radicalism of obedience, the dynamic of hope and the power of love.”
Look beyond: May you be enriched by the Triduum and may your Easter — both the day and the season — be full of alleluias.