No matter who wins the $640 million from Mega Millions tonight, come Sunday it is still Holy Week. For those who believe, the “winning” occurred on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. For the record, I would have no objection to being the “who” that wins the $640M.
By the numbers: There is no particular significance to April 2 on the church calendar, but consider that it is the date on which the following were born: the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin; Archbishop Emeritus Rembert Weakland; Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal Edward Egan; and Fr. Domenic Roscioli.
Happy the worshiper: According to a Gallup analysis, reported on, “Americans who attend a church, mosque or synagogue regularly are generally cheerier than those who don’t. The effect is particularly sharp on Sundays, when weekly churchgoers receive a mood boost, while less-frequent attendees see a decline in good feelings.”
That could be a foundation block for the New Evangelization, a campaign built upon the theme “Feel better. Worship this Sunday” or “Good God. Good worship. Good feelings.” Call the jingle writers.
Week for the weak: Holy Week is many things, but maybe it is a week for we who are weak when it comes to defending the faith, weak when we should be a voice of hope for the despairing, weak when evil tempts us. It is, in fact, a week for the weak. May your Holy Week be a blessed one, and one that gives you strength in times of weakness.