MarkForBlogThank you to those who came out for the Salzmann Library bi-monthly book discussion. From people I have talked to it was a good time, and good discussions were had. The next book discussion will be on Thursday, Nov. 29 (the Thursday after Thanksgiving). The book the group will be reading is “Keys to the Council: Unlocking the Teachings of Vatican II,” by Richard Gaillardetz and Catherine Clifford.

“As the church marks the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, too few Catholics have an adequate grasp of what the council contributed to the life of the church. The problem is understandable. The Second Vatican Council produced, by far, more document pages than any other council. Consequently, any attempt to master its core teachings can be daunting. There is a danger of missing the forest for the trees. With this in mind, Keys to the Council identifies twenty key conciliar passages, central texts that help us appreciate the vision of the council fathers. Each chapter places the given passage in its larger historical context, explores its fundamental meaning and significance, and finally considers its larger significance for the life of the church today. Chapters include exploration of Sacrosanctum Concilium s demand for full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy; Lumen Gentium s eucharistic ecclesiology; Gaudium et Spes s vision of marriage as an intimate partnership of life and love; Nostra Aetate s approach to non-Christian religions; and more.” – review taken from website.

The book was published at the beginning of 2012, is 240 pages and is available from us (although ours are checked out right now), Sacred Heart School of Theology, or for a reasonable price on or other bookstores. There will be more reminders as we get closer to the day, but get your copy and plan on joining us on Thursday, Nov. 29.

Next, my monthly book review, so come back – it will not disappoint.

As always, if you have any ideas and comments for things I could change, please let me know. If you have any books that you have read or have read the books I mention, please leave a comment. We here at Salzmann also want to know what people are reading. Comments are always appreciated – anything I can do to make this better I will strive my best to accomplish.

Here is some basic information about the library:

  • Our standard hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays, 12 to 8 p.m.; Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Our address is 3257 S. Lake Dr., St. Francis, WI 53235, right next to Henni Hall, due west of the South Parking Lot.
  • The library’s phone number is (414) 747-6479. If you would like to contact me through email, it is
  • There is free Wi-Fi available.
  • “Like” us on Facebook – Salzmann Library.
  • The library catalog is available online.