WASHINGTON –– Here is a selection of recent releases that might be suitable for your spiritual reading during Lent:
- “Wondrous Encounters: Scripture for Lent” by Richard Rohr. St. Anthony Messenger Press (Cincinnati, 2011). 143 pp., $8.99.
- “The Hidden Gifts of Helping: How the Power of Giving, Compassion and Hope Can Get Us Through Hard Times” by Stephen G. Post. Jossey-Bass (San Francisco, 2011). 200 pp., $19.95.
- “Grace Abounds: A Call to Awaken and Renew Your Faith” by Edith Prendergast, R.S.C. Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, Ind., 2011). 128 pp., $12.95.
- “Prayer in the Digital Age” by Matt Swain. Liguori (Liguori, Mo., 2011). 160 pp., $16.99.
- “The Wow Factor: Bringing the Catholic Faith to Life” by William J. O’Malley. Orbis Books (Maryknoll, N.Y., 2011). 180 pp., $16.
- “Manage the Mess of Family Stress: Gospel Solutions for Everyday Life” by Richard C. Brown. Liguori (Liguori, Mo., 2011). 128 pp., $12.99.
- “How to Be Perfect: One Church’s Audacious Experiment in Living the Old Testament Book of Leviticus” by Daniel M. Harrell. FaithWords (New York, 2011). 217 pp., $19.99.
- “The Invisible World: Understanding Angels, Demons and the Spiritual Realities That Surround Us” by Anthony DeStefano. Doubleday Religion (New York, 2011). 208 pp., $19.99.
- “A Contemporary Way of the Cross” by Father William John Fitzgerald. Tau-Publishing (Phoenix, 2010). 31 pp., $4.95.
- “Peregrino: A Pilgrim Journey into Catholic Mexico” by Ron Austin. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing (Grand Rapids, Mich., 2010). 232 pp., $19.99.
- “Mary, A Mother Waiting: Raising the Messiah” by Arthur Jones. Paulist Press (Mahwah, N.J., 2011). 96 pp., $12.95.
- “Stations of the Cross,” artwork by James Ceaser; reflections by Shirley Sullivan. St. Pauls/Alba House (Staten Island, N.Y., 2011). 79 pp., $7.95.
- “Spirituality You Can Live With: Stronger Faith in 30 Days” by Chris Padgett. Servant Books (Cincinnati, 2011). 133 pp., $13.99.
- “Women of the Passion: A Novel” by Joan D. Lynch. ACTA Publications (Chicago, 2011). 216 pp., $14.95.
- “The World of Saint Paul” by Joseph M. Callewaert. Translated by Michael J. Miller. Ignatius Press (San Francisco, 2011). 210 pp., $16.95.
- “Building Our House on Rock: The Sermon on the Mount as Jesus’ Vision for Our Lives As Told by Matthew and Luke” by Dennis Hamm, SJ. Word Among Us Press (Ann Arbor, Mich., 2011). 300 pp., $12.95.
- “Plant the Seed: Sharing the Gospels with Children” by Patricia Mathson. Liguori (Liguori, Mo., 2011). 112 pp., $8.99.