Kerry Koebbe, 25, an Indianapolis native living in Milwaukee, and a parishioner at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, is a co-founder of and volunteer with Milwaukee Young Adult Ministry (MYAM), a group for Milwaukee area young adults to connect and grow in faith by fostering Christian life through faith formation, service and social events. The youngest of four children, ages 25 to 41, and aunt to eight nephews and a niece, said she is keeping her New Year’s resolutions to focus on family and friends and each day as it comes – something that also helps her to strengthen her faith. “Every day I strive to appreciate what God has planned for me … the good, the bad, the hardships and the triumphs,” Koebbe said. “I try to celebrate and at least appreciate every moment in life and all the blessings I experience.”Kerry Koebbe, 25, left, a member of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Milwaukee, poses for a photo in Vienna this year with her best friend, Kellie Conrad, 26, a member of St. Austin Catholic Parish in Austin, Texas. Koebbe, whose favorite hobby is traveling, visited London and Vienna with Conrad’s family. (Submitted photo courtesy Kerry Koebbe)
School and/or occupation:
Marketing strategy planner in the retail industry
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to work for a company that has great values, and knows how to enjoy life while using my marketing talents and experience. I suppose that I’m living my dream job!
What’s on your iPod?
I have a lot of country music (Blake Shelton and Keith Urban are some of my favorites), Colbie Caillat, and Francesca Battistelli (“Strangely Dim” is a current favorite).
If you could dine with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Most people probably have a celebrity or a spiritual inspiration in mind when they answer this question, but mine is a bit different. I would love to have dinner with my four grandparents together at the table. My grandfathers passed away before I was born, and it feels like I only had a few years with my grandmothers. It would be amazing to learn about their life, struggles, faith and family history from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Who has made the biggest impact upon you?
My parents are my inspiration for how to live a faith-filled life. They have been married for 44 years (this June), have four children and eight grandchildren. They always find a way to see us, and keep up with our travels and families, even though all of us live in different states across the country. I have learned how to be active in my faith, how to have a successful career, and how to do it all while raising a family through the good and bad times.
What’s one thing that makes you unique?
In high school, I was active in competitive cheerleading. My team went to Florida to compete in nationals (National All-Star Cheerleading Championship) twice and worlds (International All-Star Cheerleading Championship Worlds) my senior year.
Describe a normal weekend:
My typical weekend usually involves traveling, spending time with my boyfriend or a friend or family member, and some type of sporting event or trying out a new restaurant.
Favorite Bible story/
Scripture passage/prayer:
I have many favorites. One that often sticks out to me is when Mary visits Elizabeth when they are pregnant with Jesus and John the Baptist. The connection that the women feel, and that the womb feels before they are even born, is a great reminder of life before birth. It also is really the start of this incredible bond and journey and work that Jesus and John will achieve during their time on earth.
Favorite quote:
“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great” – John D. Rockefeller
What is your favorite food, dessert?
Everything! ϑ
A challenge in life that has strengthened your faith:
There were times when God wasn’t a large part of my life because I chose a different path. He never gave up on me, though, and he always brought me back with open, loving arms. Those experiences remind me every day of his love, mercy, kindness and light. I know that the right path for me is wherever God takes me.
Favorite pastime/hobby/activity:
Traveling is absolutely my favorite hobby … When few of your closest family and friends live in the same state as you, it becomes part of your life, and you find a way to balance it and make it very rewarding. This past fall I was able to spend one-on-one time with all of my siblings, my nephews and niece, my parents, and my best friends in different states. After Christmas, I went international with my travels, and I visited London and Vienna with my best friend and her family.
What is the most important thing you want to accomplish in life?
I want to inspire people to be the best version of themselves by being the best version of myself. That could be in my faith, in my work, in volunteerism, in my future family, and in my current family and friends.
How do you live your faith every day?
There are so many ways, and I feel like I just scrape the surface most days. Prayer has become a part of my daily routine. I have also become quite involved with MYAM (Milwaukee Young Adult Ministry), and it is something that I am working on almost every day… whether I am at our events or behind the scenes. Those are moments when I feel closest to God.
Name one guilty pleasure:
My guilty pleasures are chocolate and TV/movies. I can get sucked into a show or a movie pretty quickly, especially if they are cheesy romantic comedies.