To the board of directors of the Milwaukee Art Museum, in language I trust you’ll understand, my thoughts about your decision to accept, display and promote “Eggs Benedict”:
You am MAM
MAM you am
That MAM-you-am
That MAM-you-am!
I do not like
that MAM-you-am.
Do you like
“Eggs Benedict” and MAM?
I do not like it,
I do not like
“Eggs Benedict” and MAM.
Do you like it on display?
Do you like it any way?
I do not like it
on display.
I do not like it any way.
Do you like it for all to see?
Do you like animosity?
I do not like it for all to see.
I do not like animosity.
Do you like “message art”?
Do you like what it imparts?
While your patrons it might captivate,
“Eggs'” message is one of hate;
You call it a creation,
But for Catholics it’s an aberration.
You label it “art,” but it’s a sham;
Your place is no place for
“Eggs Benedict,” MAM-you-am.