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Be ready for Jesus this Advent
Based on Jer 33:14-16; 1 Thess 3:12-4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Looking backward and forward, waiting, praying and being ready – it is Advent.
Some of what we hear in Luke’s Gospel this Sunday is what we heard a couple of weeks ago from Mark’s Gospel when Jesus talked about darkness and the end of time.
Jesus talks about coming a second time in power and glory. The sun, moon and stars will be in total disorder. The nations of the earth will be fearful because of what is happening.
Jesus is not trying to frighten us. He wants us to be prepared – to stand tall and raise our heads because he wants to bring us home to heaven with him.
This First Sunday of Advent is the start of the church’s new liturgical year. The word “advent” means coming. Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends with the celebration of the Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve – preparing us for Jesus’ first coming as a baby in Bethlehem.
As we listen to the Scriptures, much of what is read has little to do with Jesus as a baby. But Advent is more than waiting for baby Jesus or tracking the days until Christmas.
Advent tells us that Jesus comes to us every day. When we go to Mass, when we receive holy Communion, when we pray, when we are loving, kind and forgiving, when we see the beauty of nature, when others are kind and helpful to us, Jesus comes into our lives.
Advent also reminds us our earthly world will not last forever, but heaven will.
Advent, then, tells us of Jesus’ three comings (past, present and future).
Use this season to get ready for Jesus’ coming:
- Read about Jesus in the Bible.
- Pray the rosary for peace, thinking about the events in Jesus’ life.
- Give food, clothing and toys to your church’s collections for the poor.
- Do your chores without complaining.
- Get your heart ready for Jesus by going to confession.
Be watchful, prayerful, good, loving and forgiving. Jesus is coming!