In John’s Gospel, Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb on Easter morning and runs to tell Peter and John. They run back to the tomb. John gets there first but waits for Peter. The tomb is empty except for the burial cloths.
John, the beloved apostle, was the first to believe in Jesus’ Resurrection, and he was the only apostle who stood at the cross when Jesus was crucified. Jesus entrusted the care of his mother, Mary, to John.
Somewhat like the caterpillar, Jesus died and was buried in the dark tomb before rising to new life.
Spring brings new life and light. Nature blooms with foliage and flowers. Daylight saving time gives us more daylight. In church on Easter Sunday, notice all the fresh flowers. Look for the special candle called the “Paschal Candle” lit near the altar during the Easter season. It symbolizes Jesus as the Light of the World who rose in glory and conquered the darkness of sin and death for our salvation. From death to Resurrection, Jesus brought new life.
Easter is joyous because Jesus triumphed over death. Jesus is alive and with us always. Alleluia! “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.”
A Blessed Easter!