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Through eucharist, we share in jesus’ death, resurrection
Based on Ex 24:3-8; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
Not an ordinary supper – the very “first” Eucharist. This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, recognizing the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. It’s often called by the Latin name Corpus Christi (body of Christ).
The readings highlight God’s reaching out to all people offering loving commitments and blessings.
This Sunday’s Gospel comes from Mark’s account of Jesus’ Passion. Jesus, with his disciples, was celebrating Passover that commemorated the freeing of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.
At this Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Eucharist. He changed the bread and wine into his own body and blood and gave it to his disciples.
As we gather for Mass/Eucharist (which means “thanksgiving”), we recall this meal Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before he died; and we share in his saving death and Resurrection.
During Mass, at the offertory, we bring bread and wine to the altar. Just as Jesus prayed at the Last Supper, the priest prays the words of consecration and the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus.
Jesus, who taught about God’s love, forgave sins, cured the sick, died on the cross and rose from the dead, is the same Jesus we receive in holy Communion at Mass. Jesus, the “Bread of Eternal Life,” gives himself to us completely and helps us to be good, strong and loving children of God.
Corpus Christi should help us focus on Christ’s love for us – he gave his body on the cross at Calvary; he gives us his body in holy Communion and in the communion we have with each other in the church as his body on earth.
Jesus, your love for us is beyond our imagination. Help us to give our hearts to you.