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God’s love for us is priceless treasure
Based on 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52
This Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm – “Lord, I love your commands” – highlights the readings about following God’s guidance on our path to his heavenly kingdom.
In the Gospel, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a buried treasure, a valuable pearl, and a net thrown into the sea to collect fish.
Jesus wants us to understand God’s love for us is like a priceless treasure.
It is more valuable than any thing we own; it is worth giving up all that we own to have it.
To find the treasure of God’s kingdom and to have his love, we need to live as Jesus taught us – loving, sharing, forgiving and being kind, generous, honest and truthful. We then share in God’s kingdom on earth.
At baptism, we became members of the church that Jesus built – the Body of Christ, with Jesus as the Head of the Body.
All part of this treasure of faith is God’s love for us: the Commandments, the Mass, the sacraments to help us grow in love and grace, especially reconciliation and receiving Jesus in holy Communion, the Scriptures, the examples of the saints and the teachings of the church.
Jesus wants us to share his Good News.
The opening prayer for this Sunday’s Mass says, “Lord, guide us to everlasting life by helping us to use wisely the blessings you have given the world.”
Jesus says, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Our reward? The greatest of all treasures – Jesus’ promise of heaven and happiness with him forever. Priceless!