When you type wearing mittens, you never know on which keys your fingers are going to land. The mittens come off when meteorologists omit “wind chill” from their forecasts.
Sports as religion: The Vatican earned as many speed skating medals in Sochi as the U.S. did.
I still look forward to the day – and maybe Pope Francis is the pope who will make it happen – when the Vatican sends competitors to the Olympics. Can’t you just picture those bobsleds – John Paul I and John Paul II?
For successors to the apostles: In a Feb. 27 speech to the Congregation for Bishops regarding qualifications for bishops, Pope Francis said, “We don’t need a manager, the CEO of a business, nor someone who shares our pettiness or low aspirations. We need someone who knows how to rise to the height from which God sees us, in order to guide us to him.”
Consider this: If winter were Lent, we’d be into the Easter season by now.
However, since Lent actually begins this coming Wednesday, the Superior Catholic Herald assembled “40 ways to a better Lent.” https://catholicherald.org/news/local-news/40-ways-better-lent/. Give them a look and see what might help you make the most of this season.
Wake up and celebrate: March is National Caffeine Awareness Month.