A reflection from Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki regarding the mass killings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio:
“In the last two days, we experienced the senseless mass killings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. I use the word ‘senseless,’ because there is no sense to these crimes. These actions will be analyzed, politicized, psychologized and scrutinized. And, although God was invoked in expressions after the fact (i.e. ‘Our prayers to God goes out to the victims and their families,’ or ‘We send God’s blessings to those lost or injured.’), at the same time, there has been a consistent effort to marginalize God in the public forum— erase His name from any societal marker, don’t publicly pray, or limit expressions of God on Saturdays or Sundays to the four walls of a church, synagogue or mosque in prayer. As a society, if God is not seen as the “being” who holds us ultimately responsible, then irresponsible and senseless actions will increase, because there is no one who will hold us accountable. Without God, we are doomed. With God, we have hope.”
Read Archbishop’s reflection in full by signing up for his weekly blog, Love One Another, which comes out every Tuesday: