Daniel and Marlyn Powalisz received a blessing from Fr. Pat O’Loughlin (rear) in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary, Friday, June 1, at St. Matthew Church, Oak Creek, where they were married on June 2, 1962. The refurbished church, which closed after their wedding, is open for special occasions. Fr. O’Loughlin is pastor of St. Matthew Parish. (Submitted photo courtesy Marlyn Powalisz)We were married June 2, 1962, at St. Matthew, a little church in Oak Creek. I had always dreamed that I would like a church full of people when I got married. I never dreamed that it was because that was the last service to be performed before the parish would close the doors on the little church. I was raised in this church and made my first Communion there and now was married there.
The parish opened doors to a new church and school the day after our wedding. Throughout the years, the little church was emptied and items were given to the missions.
A couple years ago, I heard that the little church was being refurbished and open for special occasions. Our 50th anniversary was coming and I inquired about using the little church for an anniversary Mass.
A first Friday Mass is held at 6:30 p.m. every month. I requested a Mass for Friday, June 1 and that day became a dream come true for me. Our three children and their families, my brother, sister and her husband, a cousin from Virginia and another from New Mexico joined us and the handful of people who regularly attend the First Friday Mass. Fr. Patrick O’Loughlin blessed us and shared our story.
We were blessed again on Sunday, June 3 at our 9 a.m. Mass at the St. John Kanty site of Blessed John Paul II Parish, Milwaukee, by fill-in priest, Fr. Peter Berger. The whole weekend was golden!
(Marlyn (Busher) Powalisz and her husband, Daniel, are members of Blessed John Paul Parish, Milwaukee.)