This is a listing of some of the updates the Catholic Herald has received regarding cancellations, closings and changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to update this. If you have information you would like shared, please send it to

March 23

12 Hours of Reconciliation, scheduled for April 1, is cancelled.


Marquette University announces an extension of online learning through the end of the semester. All events on campus through May 10 are cancelled. Commencement is postponed.


March 19

Alfons Gallery at St. Joseph Center announces it is suspending hours of operation immediately.


March 17

Saint Francis de Sales Seminary announces it has canceled its annual spring open house, scheduled for April 19.


Catholic Charities cancels its Board of Trustees meeting.


St. Thomas More postpones its spring play, “A Year with Frog and Toad.”


St. Thomas More High School announces its annual dinner auction will be a virtual event with bidding from noon Friday, March 20, until 9 p.m. Thursday, March 26. (


All Lenten Luncheons were canceled. Catholic Charities announces it is also closing its Adult Day Care from March 18 until April 6.


Bel Canto Chorus cancels remainder of spring session of Senior Singers, suspends rehearsals for May 15 concert and reschedules annual auction and gala from April 4 to June 19.


March 16

Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki suspends all public Masses from March 18 through at least April 3, announces work-from-home plan for archdiocese central office staff and cancels non-essential events, such as fish fries. He also announces Religious Education programs such stop for the time being and dispenses RCIA Elect from the scrutinies. He announced the Chrism Mass, scheduled for April 7, will not be celebrated publicly, but will be celebrated with the auxiliary bishops and live-streamed. The Sunday Masses at the Cathedral will still be celebrated but without an assembly.


Marquette University announces university operations will move to a remote location until at least April 10.


Black Catholic Lenten Day of Reflection scheduled for March 28 at Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist canceled.


St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care announces it will temporarily close its two campuses from March 18 until at least April 5.


Holy Angels Parish, West Bend, announces its adoration chapel will remain open Monday through Friday.


Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology closes building to the public, moves classes to online, cancels outside events through May 1 and cancels graduation ceremony.


March 15

Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University closes through April 10.


March 13

Gov. Tony Evers orders all schools in the state closed by Wednesday, March 18.


Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki suspends Confirmations through at least April 15.


Showing of film “Unplanned” for medical professionals scheduled for March 26 postponed.


St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care cancels chili and jewelry sale scheduled for March 28.


Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally scheduled for March 13-14 at Carroll University postponed.


Gospel music workshop scheduled for March 21 at St. Francis of Assisi Parish canceled.


St. Thomas More High School postpones it’s A Celebration of Theatre Event.


Marquette University School of Dentistry closes to patients until further notice.


West Bend School District and Holy Angels School suspend Faith Formation classes from March 16-April 13.



March 12

Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki gives Catholics in the archdiocese dispensation from attending Mass on March 15, 22 and 29.


Men of Christ conference scheduled for March 14 canceled.


Remainder of Padre Serra Basketball Tournament canceled.


Marquette University suspends in-person classes from March 16-20, announces March 23-April 10 instruction will be online, on-campus students are asked to not return to residence halls before April 10, all on-campus events with more than 50 attendees canceled until at least April 10.


Cardinal Stritch University cancels or postpones all university events effectively immediately, including Celebrating the Gift of Lay Ministry: Collaborative Parish Leadership event scheduled for that evening (will be re-scheduled).


Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University canceled Community Day scheduled for March 21.


St. Thomas More postpones its annual dinner auction, The More-ing 20s.