Students in grades five to 12 can showcase their writing skills and promote a culture of life with the American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program annual Pro-Life Essay Contest. Winning essays can receive up to $250 and other prizes.

Since 2017, CLSP has co-sponsored this contest with the Institute for Excellence in Writing. The contest takes place during Respect Life Month in October, with a deadline of 11:59 p.m. Nov. 4.

CLSP provides Catholic and pro-life home and classroom materials, resources, and training to educators, schools and dioceses, equipping them to help younger generations bring an end to abortion and other threats against human beings, preserve the sanctity of marriage and foster a culture of life within our communities.

According to Susan Ciancio, Executive Director of CLSP, provided prompts will assist middle and high school students in forming the 500-word essays.

She and Katie Brown, the National Director of the American Life League, will serve as judges, along with Emily Finlay, Associate Editor for ALL’s Celebrate Life Magazine, and Catherine Brown, former director of CLSP.

“Our vision is to create a world in which God’s word is resolutely proclaimed and willingly embraced; the institutions of sacramental marriage and family are protected and fostered; and all human beings are treated with respect, dignity and love from the moment of creation until death,” said Ciancio.

Middle school students can write 500 words on the following: “Every baby is an unrepeatable miracle whose life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Each has a soul and is created by God, and when we talk with others about this baby, it helps to shine a light on her uniqueness. Choose one stage of a preborn baby’s development. Explain the development in this stage. Then address three concrete ways you can help others see the baby’s humanity in this stage.”

High schoolers are to write 500 words focusing on human beings as unique, special and unrepeatable miracles of God created in his image. Choose one pro-life topic (abortion, in vitro fertilization, euthanasia, etc.) and explain what it is, why it is a threat to human beings, and how, in your school or community, you will speak out against this practice, defend the vulnerable and teach the value of every person.

“We started this contest with two reasons in mind. We want to give the students a chance to articulate their pro-life beliefs. We also want to see what they know and what they struggle with in terms of pro-life concepts. Then we base future lessons on their knowledge and what they seem interested in,” said Ciancio. “We believe that it’s crucial for kids to have moral courage, especially in today’s world. When students have the opportunity to research a pro-life topic, then write about it and perfect their voice, they grow in faith and they grow in courage. This helps them go out into the secular world and become tomorrow’s leaders.”

For complete rules and information, visit or the CLSP website at