With college students back in school, the women at Alverno College might feel like they’re on a whole new campus.
An extensive renovation project has been in the making for more than three years at an an approximate cost of costs $30 million. School officials say most of the funds have been raised through donations.
Since last spring, construction crews have been renovating the library and classrooms. They also built a larger commons area to give the students a place to relax, study and socialize.
A new nursing simulation room has been built to help students train under realistic situations that may occur in a hospital.
One of the more anticipated additions from this renovation is the “Inferno Café,” a coffee house located near the commons.
Several different offices, previously located in other buildings, have been moved to the newly renovated area in an attempt to reduce confusion and place student services in a central location.
Watch the video to hear the reactions of several students who recently took a guided tour of the construction and to see the new look of Alverno College.