Christmas. Yes, it’s still the Christmas season, which goes through the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord on Jan. 9. The church makes this season last while retailers can’t end it soon enough. Although meteorologists might talk about unseasonable weather, it is still seasonably Christmas.
Who’d have thought we’d go through one season (Advent) and into another (Christmas), and still not have snow? I’m not complaining; I’m just saying it doesn’t happen too often. Can you imagine what Lent might be like? Or Easter?
And with your spirit: The new translation of the Roman Missal hasn’t shaken the foundation of the church like some of the uninformed thought it would. We made it from Latin to English in 1965; we’ll survive these few changes in wording, too. And a whole generation of Catholics will come to know the meaning of “consubstantial.”
It pays to be Christian: Tim Tebow is garnering a lot of coverage for openly giving glory to God. In the off-season, expect Tebow to parlay that openness into lucrative speaking engagements. According to the people who book Tebow for talks, the “going rate is $50,000 to $70,000” per appearance for the Denver QB. Give glory to God, and give the check to Tebow’s agent.
I like Tebow’s proclamation of faith, and I like that he had the Broncos winning. The former is welcome because we don’t hear enough of it from athletes and because it drives sports writers and sportscasters crazy; the latter is welcome because it pains team president John Elway to see a QB he doesn’t like doing so well.
Nothing dull about January: Sure, a lot of people are concerned about post-holiday depression, but how can you be depressed during National Polka Music Month?
May the grace of God be yours throughout all of 2012.