Since today is the 72nd birthday of Dion DiMucci, you might enjoy this piece from his website regarding his spiritual journey. If you are unfamiliar with this Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, here’s a sample Be sure to turn up the volume on your speakers.

Desert experience: I was among those who “raced” across the Hoan Bridge July 10. For me it was more “Rock and Soul” than “Rock and Sole.” Definitely got a sense of wandering in the desert and having only faith to sustain me. Big difference is that the Israelites didn’t have to contend with Milorganite dust during their journey.

If organizers wanted to have made it an authentic desert experience, they could have had someone dressed as Moses striking a rock from which water flowed. Given how much they thirsted, a lot of participants would have gotten religion right then and there.

Speaking of running events, there’s still time to register at for the Thursday, July 28 Run/Walk for the Hungry that is on the opening night of German Fest. For every registrant, Usingers donates two pounds of sausage to the St. Ben’s Meal Program.

Since you’re warm — hot — right now, this is a good time to remind you that the Catholic Herald’s 7th Annual Caps4Kids collection begins Oct. 1. Why, when there is a heat advisory, am I telling you this? Well, you might be among the people who find a cool place to knit and/or crochet on days like this. If you do, and if you are knitting/crocheting caps and mittens, Caps4Kids would welcome your contributions. If you don’t, we’d welcome your contributions of purchased NEW caps, gloves and mittens and/or monetary gifts to be used for the purchase of the same.

Your Catholic Herald and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul have a new partner in this undertaking — the Pallottine Priests and Brothers of Milwaukee. Together, we plan to make this the biggest collection of NEW caps, gloves and mittens we have ever had. For more information call Mary at (414) 462-7837.

The Day: This Wednesday, July 20, is the day on which Bishop Don Hying will be ordained an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins this part of his ministerial life.